Our Mission | Who We Serve | Why We Exist | Theory of Change | Approach | Program | Impact | Funders | Awards & Recognition

We empower socioeconomic change by offering entrepreneurship education, financial literacy, and leadership programs.

Our focus is on providing economic opportunities to low-income, under-resourced, and women entrepreneurs, helping them build financial stability and achieve economic freedom through small business creation.


Our Mission

As a 501c3 non-profit organization, our mission is to build thriving communities by providing underserved, low-income entrepreneurs with entrepreneurship education, one-on-one business coaching, mentorship, and access to capital.


Who We Serve

  • 77% women

  • 93% Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC)

  • 60% Hispanic (including mixed)

  • 37% Spanish Speaking


Why we exist

Small business ownership offers itself as an economic opportunity that can create generational wealth while positively transforming communities. However, the current microenterprise development ecosystem is not well-equipped to support the growth prospects of small businesses in the US. This problem is further exacerbated amongst women and entrepreneurs of color who continue to face barriers in starting or growing small businesses, accessing capital and networks essential for their growth and support.

Since 2010, Centro Community Partners (Centro) has dedicated itself to facilitate equal access to entrepreneurship training, financial literacy programs, access to capital, and one-on-one business advisory services with a focus on women and entrepreneurs of color. Given our resources, experience working with underserved entrepreneurs and agility to respond to the entrepreneurial needs, Centro is uniquely positioned to address these challenges and lead collaborative efforts to empower women and minority entrepreneurs in the Bay Area and beyond.


Theory of Change

Innovation, entrepreneurial desire, and motivation are distributed equally regardless of race, but opportunity and resources to exercise that innovative and entrepreneurial spirit are not. We seek to fuel the imagination and the will of low-income and communities of color entrepreneurs by providing them resources, systems information, and the right financial tools. In doing so, impacted communities can exercise their self determination and change entire communities by breaking the cycle of poverty through their own investment and entrepreneurial spirit.

Our steps-to-prosperity model begins with the idea that all individuals have the capacity to break the cycle of poverty and build thriving communities through entrepreneurship, as long as they have access to educational and financial products that are tailored to their needs, and are culturally appropriate.

We believe that the development of healthy small businesses, particularly those owned and run by low-income and underserved individuals, is one of the most effective sources of economic and social benefits. These benefits flow efficiently from entrepreneurs to families and neighbors, transforming entire communities. This theory informs all of our signature programming as well as the products we develop. 

View below the graphic essay describing our theory of change.


Our Programs

To assist entrepreneurs and catalyze small business growth, Centro provides the following programs and services:


Technical Assistance (TA)

Providing entrepreneurs with Basic and Advanced workshop series, as well as Bootcamps and 1-on-1 support.


Capital Hub

Helping entrepreneurs access capital through Kiva loans, as wells as local CDFIs and SBA loans. Learn more.

Entrepreneurship Suite

Capacity building service for organizations looking to deliver entrepreneurship programs in their communities using Centro’s tools, training and resources. Learn more.


Our Impact

In 2023, Centro set out to make an impact in the entrepreneurial space, specifically within under-resourced communities. Early on, we were ambitious and established an aspirational vision that we hoped to achieve.

In our last year, we are proud to benchmark our impact. A summary of our 2022 Impact Report can be found below:

  • From August 2021 through July 2022, Centro provided 372 entrepreneurs with support through 49 programs.

  • While entrepreneurs enter the program at different stages, 54% had not yet started selling their products or services.

  • Within the first year,

    • 59% of the graduates were able to start selling the products or services;

    • 31% started paying themselves something and 61% of them reported that it was a living wage;

    • 20% hired someone else to help them with their business;

    • 14% received their first loan within the last 12-months.

Centro also reached out to entrepreneurs who graduated more than 12 months ago to share their annual revenue, labor costs and access to capital. Following are some of the impact numbers:

  • 73% reported having sales, generating a total annual revenue of $11M+ and an average annual revenue of $58,000+.

  • Of those with sales, 71% shared that they incurred labor costs over the last 12 months, resulting $3,800,000+ in total labor costs and an average of $28,000+ per business.

  • 28% of the entrepreneurs reported having accessed capital since graduating Centro’s program, representing a total of $1,200,000.


Our investors

Centro strives to partner with diverse sectors that can strengthen the entrepreneurship field. We are proud to bring together funding partners that represent the philanthropic, public, and private sectors. Below are some of our financial supporters, but please click to see all of our financial and in-kind donors.


Awards & Recognition


Winner: 2024 Truist/MIT Foundation Inspire Award


Winner: 2024 Paypal Community Impact Grant

Winner: 2021 MIT Solve


Finalists: 2020 The Workers Lab


Winner: 2018 NBC Universal Foundation Project Innovation

Finalist: 2016 Drucker Prize


Finalists: 2015 Google Impact Challenge - Bay Area