Tea Time with Our Funders

Arturo Noriega, Founder and Executive Director of Centro Community Partners.

Arturo Noriega, Founder and Executive Director of Centro Community Partners.

Last month, we had the pleasure to host a special Tea Luncheon for our community of funders and board members, and feature some very talented alumni entrepreneurs from our Entrepreneur Readiness Program. It was a fun time, and the opportunity to share recent impact stories of our work with some of the individuals who have helped us make them a reality. 

We want to give special thanks to Bob Friedman from the Friedman Family Foundation and the Corporation for Enterprise Development (CFED), and Justin Steele, Principal at Google.org for joining us to share their journey into our space, and their genuine excitement about what we are accomplishing together.  


We also want to express our gratitude to June Sugiyama and Haley Kirk from Vodafone Americas Foundation - who are new to Centro and came to get to know more about us, the entrepreneurs we serve and the communities where they come from.

Finally, a huge acknowledgment to our star entrepreneurs who made our first Tea Luncheon simply perfect:


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