2021 Summary Update

We are excited to share a high level summary of our work during 2021.

In addition to summaries of entrepreneurs served, the Centro Business Planning App, access to capital and one-on-one assistance, you can also have an overview look at our infographic here.


In 2021 we served 1,354 entrepreneurs (316 more than the previous year). Over the last two years, we have served 71% of the entrepreneurs through the Centro Business Planning App and 21% through Centro’s programs. Watch some of our entrepreneurs stories here.


We are excited to share that in 2021 we helped provide access to 60 Kiva loans for a total of $537,000 through our Alameda and San Francisco Kiva Hubs. We also helped 29 entrepreneurs access $1,419,972 in grants, as well as16 entrepreneurs access $784,644 in larger small business loans.


Last year we brought a closer connection between our Capital Hub, workshops and 1-on-1 business advising support to address the different challenges faced by small businesses.

In 2021 we provided 879 hours of 1-on-1 assistance to 226 entrepreneurs.

The majority of entrepreneurs were located in Oakland & Alameda County (42%), followed by San Jose and Santa Clara County (19%), and Stockton and San Joaquin County (10%).


In 2021 we updated the app introducing new features to the Centro Business Planning App. We focused on adding resources in locations where we and our partners offer programs, including the Bay Area, Los Angeles, New York, Michigan, Colorado, Oregon, Florida, and Texas. The Centro Business Planning App connects entrepreneurs to lenders based on location, business stage, how much you need, and industry experience.

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