Featured Advisor

Inspired by the women of Centro and how they thrive to succeed - Martine

Meet Martine

My name is Martine Zaarour, I am an architect and entrepreneur from Lebanon. I joined Centro in August 2022 as a fellow through IREX’s Community Solutions Program (CSP) part, sponsored by the US Department of State on Community Solutions.

When I first heard that I was joining Centro, I got very excited. It was the perfect opportunity for me to meet women entrepreneurs, and a team of experts who offer support and are fully committed to helping people scale up, guiding me in my expansion plan, and practicing my Spanish.

One of my highlights has been participating in the Small Business Advisor Program, where I had the opportunity to meet many encouraging women, who all share similar experiences.

Inspired by Women at Centro

The diversity of participants in the program made me realize that no matter where we come from and what our backgrounds are, we can all relate to each other and join efforts to find the best practices and solutions for our daily challenges. 

The women were all inspiring, but Kimberly, owner of Barcuterie, has really impressed me with her motivation and how focused she is on her mission. She has shown great commitment and eagerness to work and develop her business. She also works with food, and I could relate to every detail she had in mind and how outsourcing many products, designing packaging, creating the identity, can be a pleasant journey rather than a task.

Leveraging Previous Experience

I am the owner and CEO of Jar Thuraya, a community driven by women from all around Lebanon who specialize in making handcrafted gourmet preserves made of locally sourced materials and inspired by the traditional Lebanese “mouneh” (artisanal handmade preserves made of natural ingredients: jams, molasses, etc.) Working with women has taught me patience, credibility and commitment. 

For the last two years, I worked with women of all ages, religions, and social backgrounds. Together, we created a portfolio of over 50 handcrafted products. Their motivation to invest in their skills and their willingness to become more financially independent has led me to grow the business and scale it during my fellowship journey. 

Small Business Advisor Program Take-Aways

I have been inspired by the women of Centro and how they thrive to succeed, especially since the majority of them are not young, and yet they have invested time and energy in keeping up with the modern trends and tools to stay in business and develop their ideas. 

The Small Business Advisor Program taught me to become a better and more empathetic listener. It was a major change in communication that I learned to apply and appreciate as it created better relationships between myself and the women and a more empowering environment. 

Alongside being trained on advising techniques, and how to listen and support without being biased, the communication methods we were taught have allowed me to become a better listener and guide entrepreneurs to do what they think is right by asking the right questions. 

I never thought I would be working in anything besides architecture, but the importance of the impact we create has led me to develop my skills as a leader and embark on the entrepreneurship journey. I challenged myself in work I haven't done before, I also worked on reporting which led me to complete an elective for my CSP Fellowship in Monitoring and Evaluation. I felt the impact of data and how useful it can be when used properly. I learned how to approach people who are very different from me without any bias, and assess serious projects and how I can contribute to supporting them.

What really caught my attention was the number of people eager to learn and enroll in programs. Working on other projects as well, I got the chance to discover the resources that the state of California has to offer and how opportunities are available for everyone equally.

It has been enlightening to learn more about the cultural differences, the challenges, and most importantly the success stories that have inspired me and many other women at Centro to not give up.

You can also get involved with Centro

If you resonate with Martine’s testimony and would like to be part of our community as a volunteer Small Business Advisor, explore how you can get involved here. We offer programs in English and Spanish. We’re looking forward to meeting you!

Making a positive impact in the community with Centro’s Advisor Program

“Hello, I’m Anie de la Rosa Clark, and I became involved in Centro as a volunteer advisor, while pursuing my MBA with San Jose State University—this was a very unique opportunity that had a big impact on my perspective.

When I first heard of Centro Community Partners' Small Business Advisor Program for the Spanish-speaking community in San Jose, I was immediately attracted to contribute to its mission.

While I had a busy schedule with a full-time job, MBA classes and my personal consulting endeavors, I was eager to collaborate with Centro to empower Hispanic entrepreneurs to launch their businesses. I arranged my agenda to commit one evening every week to Centro for nine weeks. Little did I know that I was going to walk away with more than what I was giving.

I was inspired and moved by the passion, dedication, and grit of the entrepreneurs who were pursuing their goal to launch their own businesses with limited knowledge and resources. These entrepreneurs turned to Centro’s program for guidance and support. Many of them had full-time jobs while launching their businesses, or they had launched their businesses while learning the ropes of entrepreneurship on the go.

As a volunteer Small Business Advisor, I learned about the entrepreneurs’ ideas, strategies, and goals and had the opportunity to put into practice many of the business concepts and advising skills I had learned in my past experience and in the classroom.

I cannot stress enough the unique value of the hands-on approach that Centro offers. Centro is a one-of-a-kind opportunity not only for rising entrepreneurs but also for like-minded professionals who want to positively impact the community.”

Watch our featured entrepreneur’s videos to learn more about the impact of Centro’s Entrepreneurship Programs and how you can support them as a Small Business Advisor.

If you resonate with Anie’s testimony and would like to be part of our community as a volunteer Small Business Advisor, explore how you can get involved here, we offer programs in English and Spanish. We’re looking forward to meeting you!

Creando Impacto Positivo en la Comunidad con el Programa de Asesores de Centro

"Hola, soy Anie de la Rosa Clark, y me involucré en Centro como asesora voluntaria, mientras cursaba mi MBA con la Universidad San Jose State. Esta fue una oportunidad muy única que tuvo un gran impacto en mi perspectiva.

Cuando oí hablar por primera vez del Programa de Asesores de Pequeños Negocios de Centro Community Partners para la comunidad hispanohablante de San José, me sentí atraída a contribuir a su misión.

Aunque tenía una agenda muy ocupada con un trabajo a tiempo completo, clases de MBA y mis servicios de consultoría, estaba emocionada por colaborar con Centro para ayudar a los emprendedores Latinos a lanzar sus negocios. Organicé mi agenda para comprometerme a dedicar una tarde cada semana a Centro durante nueve semanas. No sabía que iba a finalizar esta experiencia con más de lo que estaba dando.

Me inspiró y conmovió la pasión, la dedicación y el valor de los emprendedores que perseguían su objetivo de lanzar sus propios negocios con conocimientos y recursos limitados. Estos emprendedores asistieron al programa de Centro en busca de orientación y apoyo. Muchos de ellos tenían trabajos a tiempo completo mientras lanzaban sus negocios, o habían lanzado sus negocios mientras aprendían sobre la marcha.

Como Asesora Voluntaria de Pequeños Negocios, aprendí sobre las ideas, estrategias y objetivos de los emprendedores y tuve la oportunidad de poner en práctica muchos de los conceptos empresariales y habilidades de asesoramiento que había aprendido en mi experiencia anterior y en las clases.

No puedo dejar de destacar el valor único del enfoque práctico que ofrece Centro. Centro es una oportunidad única, no sólo para los nuevos emprendedores, sino también para los profesionales con ideas afines que quieren tener un impacto positivo en la comunidad".

Ve los vídeos de algunos de nuestros emprendedores para saber más sobre el impacto de los Programas de Emprendimiento de Centro y cómo puedes apoyarlos como Asesor de Pequeños Negocios.

Si te sientes identificado con el testimonio de Anie y te gustaría formar parte de nuestra comunidad como Asesor Voluntario de Pequeños Negocios, explora cómo puedes participar aquí, ofrecemos programas en inglés y español. ¡Estamos deseando conocerte!

How A Girl Named Pinky Changed My Life

My name is Cody Fergusson and thanks to Centro, I became the business advisor to Tina Stevens - the Oakland pastry chef who started the bakery shop A Girl Named Pinky - while pursuing my MBA at the University of San Francisco School of Management. This opportunity exposed me to so much practical business experience, and provided me with so much personal growth, leaving me changed and inspired to do more good for small business entrepreneurs in our community. This blog entry is me starting to do just that!

Tina Stevens - A Girl Named Pinky.jpg

For me, Centro’s MBA Advisor Program made explicit and transparent the stark contrast between the Bay Area’s resourceful technology startups that go from zero to hero in a matter of a few years, and the numerous small businesses created right here every day with a lot less, but with so much heart, talent and wit. Centro offers these small business entrepreneurs a platform to access more resources, including business administration advisors like me.

I went into the program with an open mind, cognizant of the fact that I have some formal business training, but don’t have all the answers nor the personal contextual experience to fully support Tina. I also knew I was backed by the structure and methodology provided by the Centro team, and that with their guidance I could help her prepare for success. After all, I am a small business entrepreneur myself and my coffee business, Caffea, has already established many of the business processes Tina was working towards.

Over the course of 14 weeks and 75+ hours, together we prepared to grow Tina’s business. As a result, she now has a thriving bakery pop-up shop in Oakland. That was real and it felt great!
Cody - Original.jpg

Centro’s MBA Advisor Program is a true win-win program for entrepreneurs and MBA students. I not only learned and practiced business consulting techniques (ie. how to guide conversations by asking questions, how to be a resource to other people by applying different frameworks of thinking, how to work with someone who may have different personality traits, etc.) but I also learned that as a small business consultant, I am playing a part in growing someone’s dream.

Today, A Girl Named Pinky is a business with a solid foundation and a clear understanding of its financials and marketing next steps. And Tina is both inspired and prepared to continue on a pathway towards bigger, better and more empowering life choices.

On behalf of Centro, myself and the many other entrepreneurs we support, I wholeheartedly invite you to find your pathway to support our local and underserved small business community as well.

Featured MBA Advisor: Carly Perera

Carly Perera was one of Centro’s first MBA Advisors. She received a degree in Community and Regional Development from UC Davis and received her MBA from Mills College where she first learned about us.

Why did you decide to join Centro as an MBA Advisor?

Prior to Centro, I was a volunteer consultant for other startups in the East and South Bay. I knew that I wanted to continue to work with small businesses but I needed to hone my skills as a consultant. Centro provided me the coaching and the framework to be a more impactful consultant and volunteer.

I was really energized by Arturo Noriega’s vision, so I joined Centro’s first cohort in the summer of 2010.

What business did you advise?

I worked with Christine Doerr of Neo Cocoa, a Bay Area based chocolatier, who is known throughout the Bay Area/Nation and is wildly successful. When we began working together, Christine was just starting to sell her product in Whole Foods. This past year, her business surpassed the $100,000 annual revenue mark! Christine is an extremely driven, organized, and resourceful business owner and I was very lucky to work with her.

How has Centro impacted your career trajectory?

Working with Centro showed me many of the barriers small businesses face in preparing to obtain and qualify for capital in the Bay Area which led me to pursue a career in small business finance.

I am now a loan officer with Pacific Community Ventures. PCV drives community wealth and economic change through a unique ecosystem that provides advice and capital to small businesses, impact evaluation, and research and policy.

Featured MBA Advisor: Damanbir Singh

Can you please tell us about your academic and professional background?

My name is Damanbir Singh and I am currently finishing my MBA classes at University of San Francisco. Originally from India (Punjab), I came to the US in 2007 to pursue a Masters in International Management from Portland State University, after completing my Bachelors of Commerce in India. As per my work experience, I have worked in my family business (dairy farming) in India as well as in the US (franchisee for Arco-AMPM retail sites) as an entrepreneur. I also had an interesting opportunity to work with a tech startup in the Bay area. During my studies at USF, I also worked as a part-time TA and as Junior Budget Analyst at University of San Francisco’s Office of Planning and Budgeting. In a nutshell, I would say that I have had some really interesting work opportunities ranging from being an entrepreneur to being an analyst.

Why did you decide to join Centro as an MBA Advisor?

My journey with Centro Community Partners has been quite amazing. I had an opportunity to listen to Arturo Noriega when he had come to USF as a panelist. Afterwards, I met with Arturo and Naldo Peliks when they came to the USF to introduce Centro Community Partners. The work that they do got me really interested. I thought that it was a great opportunity for me to give something back to the community and serve low-income entrepreneurs. Also, I am a strong believer in karma and I do believe that if I do something good, it will come back to me.  I knew that it would be a great opportunity for me for my professional development as well. A lot of people don’t know about is how well connected Naldo and Arturo are. They are always available to introduce you to their network if looking for work/job. I am glad I made the decision to work with Centro Community Partners.

Which businesses / entrepreneurs did you advise?

During my association with Centro, I served three clients as part of two different projects run by Centro. I helped Eden Ayurveda (along with my team member Sephora) owned by Eden, an Ayurvedic practitioner based in Oakland. In another project run by Centro in Fruitvale, I served Cleo (owner of Los Hermanos Meat and Produce Market) and Socorro Martinez (owner of La Torta Loca). I would like to say that it was a great experience. Learning in class and learning by actually doing work like I did at Centro really brought out the best in me. I think the best part of serving these entrepreneurs was to experience how thankful they all were for my work with them. Today as I look back to see them run their business and implement the changes that we collaborated about, I feel I was able to change a few lives. The feeling — well, its hard to put words to describe it.

How has Centro impacted your career trajectory?

After working with Centro, I feel I am more confident as a person. I have started exploring career options that I wasn’t exploring before. I am more open to opportunities that come my way.  As per career trajectory, I am open to working for non-profits and social impact organizations. As of now, I am finishing my MBA classes and applying for jobs along the way.

Featured MBA Advisor: Mariya Lyublina

Can you please tell us about your academic and professional background?

I have an undergraduate degree in Economics with a minor in Urban Studies, as well as an MBA from San Francisco State University. I currently work as a Supervisor at a private financial counseling agency.

Why did you decide to join Centro as an MBA Advisor?

I joined Centro as an MBA Advisor to get hands-on experience working with small businesses in an advisory capacity. Centro provided me with an opportunity to develop strategy and see it implemented by a real business.

Which businesses/entrepreneurs did you advise?

As an MBA Advisor, I advised Anna Tvelova, owner of Anda Piroshki. I was invited to return as a Senior Advisor to work with Stacy from Flirt Nail Lounge and Adriana from Sal de Vida Gourmet.

What advice would you give to future MBA Advisors?

The time commitment was the biggest challenge for me. Time management was key to successfully completing the advising process with a full-time job and other responsibilities. Furthermore, entrepreneurs are extremely busy running their businesses so coordinating times to meet and get tasks done contribute to this challenge. You have to be prepared to make accommodations in your schedule to support the entrepreneur you are working with.

What did you learn during Centro’s program?

I learned to think about strategy from a real-world perspective. I also learned to think realistically about components of a business plan. Sometimes even the best intentions aren’t enough to motivate someone to complete goals they’ve set out for themselves. Ultimately, if you are working with someone, just make sure that you follow through on your promises.

How has Centro impacted your career trajectory?

Centro has provided me with a new perspective on what I really want to do with my MBA. Working with small businesses is challenging, yet extremely rewarding.

Featured MBA Advisor: Jacob Gelfand

Can you please tell us about your academic and professional background?

I earned a BS, summa cum laude, in Political Communication with a minor in History from Emerson College. In May 2012 I completed concurrent degrees from University of San Francisco – a JD, Business Law Certificate with Honors and an MBA in Entrepreneurship.

My professional experiences have traversed the public, private, and nonprofit sectors. After undergrad I worked as a staffer on a gubernatorial campaign and transitioned into roles in various nonprofits doing a mix of public relations, marketing, operations, research, and recruiting. In grad school I found myself drawn more to entrepreneurship and economic development, and increasingly disillusioned with the prospect of practicing law.

I co-founded and led the USF Microfinance Club, a student association dedicated to promoting social finance, helped develop Glamping Hub, a disruptive travel startup currently in the process of negotiating an angel round, and launched Inclusiva Strategies, a business coaching practice dedicated to empowering creative entrepreneurs and executives.

Why did you decide to join Centro as an MBA Advisor?

During my time in the MBA program at USF I participated in an extracurricular program called Working with Entrepreneurs (WwE). Typically, the WwE program would pair MBA students up with companies in emerging markets for a 12-week consulting engagement. In light of my interest in microfinance and the local community, I was serendipitously referred to Centro and soon interviewed for a spot as an MBA Advisor with Centro’s founder, Arturo Noriega, who would later become a trusted mentor and dear friend.

Which businesses/entrepreneurs did you advise?

I advised Shauna Harper, an experienced operations expert who had been working as an internal consultant for Oakland Unified Public School District. Shauna wanted to break off to form her own private consulting firm which could advise school administrators throughout the East Bay and beyond.

Can you tell us about a challenge that you faced?

Shauna and I worked well together and never really struggled to communicate. Our primary challenge was adapting Centro’s entrepreneurship tools and frameworks to her proposed consulting practice, which was dramatically different than the typical Centro small business in terms of its business model, market and sales strategy. Time management proved to be another central challenge due to the fact that Shauna had to balance her day job with her role as a parent of a young son and the demands of Centro’s classes. Ultimately, Shauna put together an excellent business plan and delivered one of the finest presentations of her cohort.

What did you learn during Centro’s program?

I’ve learned so much from my experiences with Centro that it’s difficult to narrow it down – everything from invaluable lessons about cultural and socioeconomic humility to the process of advising clients, overcoming obstacles and managing expectations. To an even greater extent, Centro taught me a lot about myself – where my core strengths lie, what really matters to me, and what I aim to accomplish as a professional.

How has Centro impacted your career trajectory?

My experiences as part of the Centro family and the relationships I have forged along the way have helped me to crystallize my professional identity and purpose. My time as an MBA Advisor at Centro and the professional development work that I underwent with Arturo enabled me to embrace my passion for entrepreneurship and organizational development and take the plunge to launch my own business coaching practice.

What are you up to now?

Updated April 2013: I work as a holistic business coach under the banner of Inclusiva Strategies. My specialty is working with creative professionals to cultivate the business and leadership skills necessary to launch and grow a successful venture. I also author the Little Big Business Blog, and serve as a partner and strategy advisor for Glamping Hub, the world’s premiere online portal for luxury camping and other unique, eco-friendly accommodations. I’m looking forward to volunteering as a senior advisor at Centro for the Fall 2013 cohort!

Featured MBA Advisor: Séphora Pierre-Louis

Can you please tell us about your academic and professional background?

I am currently getting my MBA at Mills College in Oakland with a concentration in nonprofit and marketing. I already have a bachelor degree in Management from Ecole Supérieure d’Infotronique d’Haiti and a Master’s degree in Project Management from Quisqueya University of Haiti. My career has been involved in both the profit and nonprofit sectors and I’ve been working in the fields of Management, Sales, and Marketing for more than 14 years. I’m mostly concerned with innovation in business, entrepreneurship, communication, and leadership.

I’ve also been a board and active member of Partners of the Americas (Haiti – New Jersey Chapter) for more than 6 years, which is a grassroots network that seeks to connect volunteers, institutions, and communities to serve and change lives. I am a Distinguished Toastmaster as well, which has allowed me to start many Toastmaster Clubs in Haiti. I have been the Area Governor of Caribbean District 81, and my clubs and area were actually granted the Distinguished President award, the highest honors that Toastmasters offers based on their excellence in accomplishments of a set of goals through innovative strategies.

Why did you decide to join Centro as an MBA Advisor?

When I saw Centro’s presentation at Mills College I was impressed by the work they were doing in the community. Moreover, their approach closely relates to my business plan, which focuses on launching my own nonprofit organization in my home country to assist entrepreneurs with small to medium-sized businesses. I felt a connection and wanted to get the experience of working with an entrepreneur myself so I could understand what it really implies, and eventually transfer this experience to my own project.

Which businesses/entrepreneurs did you advise?

At her first workshop, Eden poured oil in Séphora’s ears to demonstrate one of her treatments

At her first workshop, Eden poured oil in Séphora’s ears to demonstrate one of her treatments

My entrepreneur was Eden Tosch, a clinical practitioner of Classical Indian Healthcare (CIH or Classical Ayurveda). Her business, Eden Ayurveda, is a sole proprietorship that provides in-depth consultations that guide a wide range of Ayurvedic healing tools.

Can you tell us about a challenge that you faced?

The first challenge I faced was time pressure. Personally, I have the capacity of processing and recording information quickly and I had to adjust this behavior to my entrepreneur’s so we could work in symbiosis and achieve more. I also had to figure out the most efficient communication and leadership skills, such as asking my entrepreneur the right questions that would allow me to get the answers I needed to advise her in the most efficient way.

What did you learn during Centro’s program?

During the program I learned that being a coach is a very challenging duty that requires a good understanding of one’s self. I learned that a coach needs to be firm on goals but flexible on means to achieve those goals. Goals are the best way to stay focused and make sure that every step and action taken is done according to the goals that were set by the entrepreneur.

How has Centro impacted your career trajectory?

Damanbir Singh (MBA Advisor), Eden Tosch (Entrepreneur), and Séphora Pierre-Louis

Damanbir Singh (MBA Advisor), Eden Tosch (Entrepreneur), and Séphora Pierre-Louis

Centro has given me the experience I need to implement an international program where I will be able to use these effective tools in my country to train small to medium size business entrepreneurs. I won’t need to re-invent the wheels but can adapt and reapply these tools somewhere else for a broader impact.

What are you up to now?

Updated April 2013: I am working on a research project with Women’s Initiative, which ties to a marketing research for my own business plan. The first step for me is to get qualitative and quantitative data on nonprofit organizations that are doing similar activities in the US, specifically in Oakland, California, so that I can learn about the best practices and failures, as well as how I can partner up with organizations for future programs in Haiti.

Featured MBA Advisor: Emily Adams

Can you please tell us about your academic and professional background?

I graduated with highest honors from University of California (UC), Santa Cruz where I received a bachelor’s degree in anthropology with a concentration in physical anthropology and a minor in earth science. I recently completed my MBA at the Lorry I. Lokey Graduate School of Business and I’m passionate about integrating social & environmental impact into for-profit business models. My professional experience includes 5 years working with small businesses and entrepreneurs across a variety of functions, including operations, finance, marketing, and consulting.

Why did you decide to join Centro as an MBA Advisor?

I recognized that Centro would be a unique learning opportunity. As an MBA Advisor not only would I be able to use the skills I was learning in my coursework to help an entrepreneur grow their business, I would also learn lessons that can’t be taught in the classroom; what it’s like working with clients, relationship building, balancing different work and communication styles, dealing with ambiguity, and overcoming the numerous obstacles to small business ownership, just to name a few.

One of the perks of working with chefs and food entrepreneurs ... the samples!

One of the perks of working with chefs and food entrepreneurs ... the samples!

Which businesses/entrepreneurs did you advise?

Azalina’s Malaysian food cuisine

Can you tell us about a challenge that you faced?

Time. Entrepreneurs and MBA students are inherently busy creatures. Syncing schedules is always rough, and it can be quite a challenge for entrepreneurs to plan for long term growth and stability when there are myriad activities demanding their attention in the present. As the advisor, it is important to manage time well, setting clear deadlines that respect both the entrepreneur’s and your time, and to communicate clearly with the entrepreneur to keep the project moving forward. It can often be challenging but it’s a great opportunity to learn.

What are you up to now?

I just completed my MBA and recently joined One PacificCoast Bank & Foundation as a Financial Analyst and Program Manager.

Featured MBA and Senior Advisor: Eugene Oh

Can you please tell us about your academic and professional background?

I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of California (UC), Berkeley and worked at Genentech for five years. I then obtained my MBA from Haas School of Business at UC Berkeley and joined a cleantech startup doing product marketing.

Why did you decide to join Centro as an MBA Advisor?

I’ve always wanted to give back to the community but struggled with how exactly to do so. Centro offered me the perfect way to use what I was learning in business school for those who needed it to start their businesses.

Which businesses/entrepreneurs did you advise?

Over the last two years, I’ve advised three entrepreneurs who wanted to start or grow the following businesses:

  • A children’s bookstore

  • An organic pet food brand

  • Malaysian food cuisine

Can you tell us about a challenge that you faced?

With every team you will have to learn how to work with people from completely different backgrounds to be successful. This can be a challenge but incredibly valuable in one’s professional and personal life. You learn a lot about patience, humility, perspective, yourself and others!

How has Centro impacted your career trajectory?

I think companies these days are looking for candidates that are well-rounded and are giving back to the community in some way. When interviewing for my current position with my manager, I learned that she worked with the city on women’s advocacy. When I shared about my volunteer work with Centro, we were able to relate to each other on a deeper level which helped me land the job.

What are you up to now?

I am currently a product marketing manager with a company named View. We just launched our product, an energy-efficient tintable glass, and hope to make a big splash in the architectural green building industry.

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