
Centro Community Partners Wins Third Place in 2024 ​Prosperity Now RISE Challenge Award for Innovative ​Centro CEO App

Centro Community Partners Wins Third Place in 2024 ​Prosperity Now RISE Challenge Award for Innovative ​Centro CEO App

Centro Community Partners Secures Top Honors in 2024 Prosperity Now RISE Challenge for Groundbreaking CEO App

We’re thrilled to announce that Centro Community Partners (Centro) was recognized ​as the third-place winner in the prestigious 2024 Prosperity Now RISE Challenge ​Award. On September 3, this national competition honors projects that drive ​innovation and foster economic equity for underserved communities. Our very own ​Vernisha Williams, Manager of Strategic Partnerships, led Centro into the final round ​of the pitch competition in Maryland at the Prosperity Now Rise Conference.

Metanoia Zone's Success with the Capital Hub Program: Ivette López González, an Entrepreneur

When she met Centro Community Partners, Ivette López's path took a transformative turn. She was seeking guidance in establishing her business, so she decided to enroll in Centro's basic and advanced entrepreneurship programs. Ivette honed her skills and expanded her vision. These programs teach entrepreneurs to think strategically, helping them analyze their market, develop their understanding of business operations, and learn about personal and business finance.

Inspired to Innovate and Create Change! Centro Wins the 2024 Truist/MIT Foundation Inspire Award, Renewing our Commitment to You!

Inspired to Innovate and Create Change! Centro Wins the 2024 Truist/MIT  Foundation Inspire Award, Renewing our Commitment to You!

The community voted for Centro Community Partners for its inspiring vision of delivering a socioeconomic community-based solution that provides fair and inclusive access to a national virtual hub of resources tailored to small business owners, particularly focusing on empowering low-income women and BIPOC entrepreneurs in underserved communities. 

Centro awarded an eBay Foundation Global Give grant for the third year!

At Centro Community Partners, we are thrilled to announce that we have been selected once again as recipients of the eBay Foundation Global Give grant for the year 2023. This marks the third time we've had the honor of receiving this generous grant, and we are immensely grateful to the eBay Foundation for their continued support of our mission to empower low-income women and minority entrepreneurs.

Last year, we were fortunate to be among the grantees of the 2022 Global Give grant program, and this support played a pivotal role in enabling us to make significant strides in advancing access to capital, offering personalized business advisory services, and providing capacity-building programs to other nonprofits. Through this collaboration, we were able to collectively impact the lives of over 150 underrepresented entrepreneurs in both the Bay Area and New York City, fostering growth and economic opportunity in communities that needed it the most.

The eBay Foundation has consistently demonstrated a deep commitment to promoting entrepreneurship among historically marginalized groups. Since its inception in 1998, the foundation has been partnering with nonprofit organizations dedicated to dismantling barriers to entrepreneurship for individuals from diverse backgrounds. Their belief that successful entrepreneurs contribute to more resilient and vibrant communities aligns seamlessly with our own mission.

We are committed to making the most of this year's Global Give grant to continue our vital work in empowering women and minority entrepreneurs. 

Thank you once again to the eBay Foundation for their unwavering support. Together, we are making a difference, serving one entrepreneur at a time!
You can learn more about the eBay Global Give grant here.

2023 Q2 Update

We are excited to share some updates regarding our impact in helping entrepreneurs access training, coaching and capital. You can now see our latest impact statistics on our Overview page. We also want to celebrate and thank you for your support on the pre-sale campaign of Arturo’s new book.


In the first half of 2023, we served 551 entrepreneurs, 167 of whom attended our training programs.

Through our programs, the Capital Hub and our app, we are on track to help more than 1,089 entrepreneurs by the end of this year.

As we continuously strive to support entrepreneurs, we are excited to introduce the beta version of our latest initiative: the Online Self-Paced Bootcamp. This innovative and flexible learning opportunity is specifically designed for entrepreneurs who are unable to attend a scheduled online course or prefer to learn at their own pace. With a range of self-paced learning modules that include video and written lessons, this beta version provides a valuable opportunity for individuals to engage in independent study and shape the future direction of the program.


Our Capital Hub has been helping entrepreneurs access interest-free loans through Kiva, and we are proud to announce that over the last three months, we helped 23 entrepreneurs receive a total of $211,000 in Kiva loans.

We have significantly improved the repayment rate to 89% (from 69% in 2019), showing the commitment of borrowers to pay their loans on time, as well as the positive use of the Centro Business Planning App. All borrowers that are not backed by an organization are required to go to the business planning activities on our app which help them think through their business model, which mitigates the risk of them falling behind on repayments.

This achievement not only highlights their dedication to the success of their businesses but also emphasizes the effectiveness of our support systems, including the Centro Business Planning App.

Through the SEED initiative, Immigrants Rising offers grants to entrepreneurs who are starting or growing a business in California. The opportunity is intended for undocumented individuals and people who have been granted Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and Temporoary Protected Status (TPS), as well as those with limited English proficiency. This funding aims to empower immigrants to become successful business owners, contributing to the local economy and their communities. The Centro Capital Hub was able to provide support with the application process and helped 7 entrepreneurs apply for the Immigrants Rising’s SEED $5,000 Grant.


Our team of coaches has been working to provide one-on-one coaching to 113 entrepreneurs in the first half of this year to support them in specific challenges with their businesses. We are on track to support 226 entrepreneurs by the end of the year.

We have provided a total of 13,406 hours of coaching since we started, and in 2023, we have already provided 186 hours of coaching to entrepreneurs in many locations, with most of them located in Oakland, San Jose, Santa Clara, Stockton and other Bay Area counties.


We're happy to share that Arturo Noriega's pre-sale campaign for his upcoming book, "In Pursuit of a Noble Cause" has been a resounding success!

During the pre-order period, Arturo received overwhelming support from eager readers and advocates of positive change. By securing a pre-order, you have not only demonstrated your enthusiasm for this exceptional book but have also ensured that you will be among the first to receive it upon its release in September.

We would like to express our deepest gratitude to all the supporters who participated in Arturo Noriega's pre-sale campaign. Your unwavering enthusiasm and commitment have played an instrumental role in making this campaign a resounding success. By pre-ordering the book, you have secured your place as one of the first recipients when it officially releases in September.

As we eagerly await the release of "In Pursuit of a Noble Cause," let us celebrate Arturo's triumph and anticipate the invaluable wisdom that awaits us within the pages of this remarkable book.

Socio destacado de E-Suite: Urban Business Support

Hoy queremos destacar a uno de nuestros socios destacados de E-Suite, Urban Business Suppor, una organización sin fines de lucro con sede en Washington dedicada a apoyar a empresas propiedad de mujeres y minorías.

Oliver Scott es el director ejecutivo de Urban Business Support. Su misión es brindar capacitación en planificación empresarial y asistencia financiera a pequeñas empresas. Urban Business Support cree firmemente que las inversiones en comunidades de bajos ingresos deben beneficiar a las personas que viven y trabajan allí.

"Nuestra visión es el desarrollo sin desplazamiento. Creemos que la inversión en comunidades de bajos ingresos debe beneficiar a las personas que viven y trabajan allí. Y nuestra misión es brindar capacitación en planificación empresarial a empresas en vecindarios en proceso de gentrificación. También brindamos asistencia financiera en forma de subvenciones a estos propietarios de negocios". - Oliver

El Camino de Construir Una Organización

Urban Business Support ha sido nuestro socio de E-Suite desde 2018. Oliver recordó su relación de larga data con Centro Community Partners, ya que conoce a Arturo Noriega, fundador y CEO de Centro, desde que se fundó la organización.

Compartió cómo Urban Business Support comenzó a utilizar la Centro Business Planning App y nuestro plan de estudios para brindar una capacitación integral en planificación empresarial a sus emprendedores. La asociación con Centro desempeñó un papel crucial para que Urban Business Support despegara, brindándoles orientación y materiales.

"Comencé a impartir capacitación en planificación empresarial y conocía la aplicación de planificación empresarial de Centro. Inmediatamente fui a hablar con Arturo y Naldo al respecto, ya que sabía que quería usar la aplicación. Así que cuando decidí comenzar una organización, contacté de inmediato a Centro. De lo contrario, no conocía a nadie más a quien quisiera usar para el plan de estudios, y no quería diseñar el mío propio, por lo que Centro proporcionó la solución perfecta, la Suite de Emprendimiento. Y gracias a eso pude comenzar esta organización". - Oliver

Desatando el potencial EMPRENDEDOR

Urban Business Support se enfoca principalmente en servir a empresas propiedad de mujeres y minorías en vecindarios en transición. Oliver reconoce los desafíos que enfrentan los emprendedores en estas comunidades, particularmente en el acceso a capital. Para abordar esto, Urban Business Support inició un programa de subvenciones para ofrecer asistencia financiera a emprendedores que a menudo no son elegibles para préstamos tradicionales. Ofrecen $5,000 al mejor plan de negocios entre sus graduados. Este apoyo financiero no solo ayuda a los emprendedores a superar las barreras de financiamiento, sino que también les proporciona los recursos necesarios para prosperar y tener éxito en sus emprendimientos comerciales.

Urban Business Support se dedica a empoderar a los emprendedores y realiza anualmente doce campamentos y cuatro programas de emprendimiento con el plan de estudios de Centro. Los campamentos, diseñados para ser intensivos y eficientes en tiempo, brindan a los participantes una versión condensada de la capacitación en planificación empresarial utilizando la aplicación de planificación empresarial de Centro. Por otro lado, los programas de emprendimiento ofrecen un plan de estudios más completo, equipando a los participantes con una comprensión más profunda de varios aspectos del desarrollo empresarial.

Desde su fundación, Urban Business Support ha capacitado con éxito a un impresionante grupo de aproximadamente 300 emprendedores. "Mi primer objetivo era capacitar a 100 emprendedores, y llegamos a 75. Nuestro segundo año, lo hicimos muy bien, capacitando a unos 160".

Solo en el año fiscal actual, 70 emprendedores ya se han beneficiado de los programas transformadores de Urban Business Support. Esto demuestra el compromiso de la organización de fomentar un ecosistema empresarial próspero y empoderar a las personas para que logren sus objetivos comerciales.

Afrontando desafíos y construyendo hacia metas futuras

A pesar de sus logros, Oliver reconoció los desafíos que enfrentan al mantener asociaciones de referencia, lo que resultó en una ligera disminución en la participación en los programas. Oliver se mantiene firme en sus esfuerzos por restaurar estas asociaciones y cumplir con el objetivo de capacitar a 250 emprendedores para este año fiscal. Oliver enfatizó que Urban Business Support ofrece subvenciones de $5,000 para premiar el plan de negocios más ejemplar de sus emprendedores graduados, brindando un poderoso incentivo para el éxito empresarial.

Oliver también enfatizó que el apoyo de Centro Community Partners, especialmente a través de su aplicación y plan de estudios, desempeñó un papel vital en el éxito de Urban Business Support. El plan de estudios y el apoyo de Centro permitieron a Urban Business Support aprovechar su potencial para lograr un impacto positivo. Oliver también compartió que ha recomendado la E-Suite de Centro a otras organizaciones, reconociendo el valor que ofrece al empoderar a los emprendedores.

Urban Business Support, bajo el liderazgo de Oliver Scott, ha logrado avances significativos en el empoderamiento de emprendedores en vecindarios en proceso de gentrificación. A través de su asociación con Centro, han podido brindar valiosa capacitación en planificación empresarial y asistencia financiera, ayudando a los emprendedores a hacer realidad sus sueños al tiempo que contribuyen al desarrollo de la comunidad. Con su compromiso con el crecimiento inclusivo y su dedicación a su misión, Urban Business Support continúa creando un impacto duradero en las comunidades a las que sirven.

"Si no fuera por Centro, no habría podido iniciar la organización. La aplicación de planificación empresarial de Centro es increíble, cubre los conceptos básicos de un plan de negocios, y podemos hacerlo en un campamento intensivo de un día. Si no fuera por la aplicación y el plan de estudios de Centro, no estaríamos donde estamos hoy". - Oliver Scott

Si desea obtener más información sobre cómo también podemos ayudar a su organización, contáctenos en ¡También estaremos encantados de responder cualquier pregunta sobre nuestro plan de estudios actual, herramientas de aprendizaje y enseñanza y el apoyo que brindamos a las organizaciones!

Featured E-Suite Partner: Urban Business Support

Today we want to highlight one of our Featured E-Suite Partners, Urban Business Support, a non-profit organization based in Washington dedicated to supporting women and minority-owned businesses.

Oliver Scott, is the Executive Director of Urban Business Support. Their mission is to provide business plan training and financial assistance to small businesses. Urban Business Support firmly believes that investments in low-income communities should benefit the people who live and work there.

“Our vision is development without displacement. We believe that investment in low-income communities should come to the benefit of the people who live and work there. And our mission is to provide business plan training to businesses in gentrifying neighborhoods. We also provide financial assistance in the form of grants to these business owners.” - Oliver

The Journey of Building an Organization

Urban Business Support has been our E-Suite Partner since 2018. Oliver recounted his longstanding relationship with Centro Community Partners, having known Arturo Noriega, Founder and CEO of Centro since the organization was founded. 

He shared how Urban Business Support started using Centro Business Planning App and our curriculum to provide comprehensive business plan training to their entrepreneurs. The partnership with Centro played a crucial role in getting Urban Business Support off the ground, providing them with guidance and materials.
“I started doing business plan training, and I knew about the Centro Business Planning App. I immediately went to Arturo and Naldo to talk about it, as I knew that I wanted to use the app. So when I decided to start an organization, I immediately contacted Centro first. Otherwise, I didn't know of anybody else that I wanted to use for the curriculum, and I didn't want to design my own, so Centro provided the perfect solution for it, the Entrepreneurship Suite. And thanks to that I was able to start this organization.” - Oliver

Unleashing Entrepreneurial Potential

Urban Business Support primarily focuses on serving women and minority-owned businesses in transitioning neighborhoods. Oliver acknowledges the challenges faced by entrepreneurs in these communities, particularly in accessing capital. To address this, Urban Business Support initiated a grant program to offer financial assistance to entrepreneurs who are often ineligible for traditional loans. They offer $5,000 to the best business plan among their graduates. This financial support not only helps entrepreneurs overcome funding barriers but also provides them with the necessary resources to thrive and succeed in their business ventures.

Urban Business Support is dedicated to empowering entrepreneurs and annually conducts  twelve boot camps and four entrepreneurship programs with Centro’s curriculum. The bootcamps, designed to be intensive and time-efficient, provide participants with a condensed version of the business plan training using the Centro Business Planning App. On the other hand, the entrepreneurship programs offer a more comprehensive curriculum, equipping participants with a deeper understanding of various aspects of business development.

Since its foundation, Urban Business Support has successfully trained an impressive cohort of approximately 300 entrepreneurs. “My first goal was to train 100 entrepreneurs, and we made it to 75. Our second year, we did really well, training about 160.”

In the current fiscal year alone, 70 entrepreneurs have already benefited from Urban Business Support’s transformative programs. This demonstrates the organization's commitment to fostering a thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem and empowering individuals to achieve their business goals.

Embracing Challenges and Building Towards Future Goals

Despite their achievements, Oliver acknowledged the challenges faced in maintaining referral partnerships, which resulted in a slight decline in program participation. Oliver remains resolute in his efforts to restore these partnerships and fulfill their objective of training 250 entrepreneurs for this fiscal year. Oliver emphasized that Urban Business Support grants of $5,000 to award the most exemplary business plan from their graduating entrepreneurs, providing a powerful incentive for entrepreneurial success.

Oliver also emphasized that the support from Centro Community Partners, especially through their app and curriculum, played a vital role in Urban Business Supports success. Centro's curriculum and support enabled Urban Business Support to secure their potential for positive impact. Oliver also shared that he has recommended Centro Entrepreneurship Suite to other organizations, recognizing the value it offers in empowering entrepreneurs.

Urban Business Support, under the leadership of Oliver Scott, has made significant strides in empowering entrepreneurs in gentrifying neighborhoods. Through their partnership with Centro, they have been able to provide valuable business plan training and financial assistance, helping entrepreneurs realize their dreams while contributing to community development. With their commitment to inclusive growth and dedication to their mission, Urban Business Support continues to create a lasting impact in the communities they serve.

“If it wasn't for Centro, I wouldn't have been able to get the organization started. The Centro Business Planning App is amazing, it covers the basics of a business plan, and we're able to do it in a Bootcamp in just one day. If it weren't for the App and for Centro's curriculum we wouldn't be where we are today.” - Oliver Scott

If you want to learn more about how we can also help your organization, please contact us at We are also happy to answer any questions about our current curriculum, learning and teaching tools, and the support we provide to organizations!

Quarterly Capital Hub Update

In this quarterly Capital Hub update, we are excited to share the latest updates of the Centro Capital Hub. We will provide an overview of the capital accessed by our entrepreneurs, highlight the progress in repayment rates with Kiva, and discuss the demographics of our entrepreneurs accessing capital through our hub.


From January to May, we have continued to support small businesses by facilitating access to capital. Through our Centro Capital Hub, we are proud to announce that we have helped secure a total of $120,500 in Kiva loans. This capital has been distributed among 15 deserving entrepreneurs who are determined to fuel the growth of their businesses.


We have significantly improved the repayment rate to 89% (from 69% in 2019), showing the commitment of borrowers to pay their loans on time, as well as the positive use of the Centro Business Planning App. All borrowers that are not backed by an organization are required to go to the business planning activities on our app which help them think through their business model, which mitigates the risk of them falling behind on repayments.

We are pleased to report that our borrowers have showcased exceptional commitment to repay their Kiva loans promptly. With an impressive repayment rate of 88.5%, we have witnessed firsthand the determination and responsible financial practices demonstrated by the entrepreneurs we support. 
This achievement not only highlights their dedication to the success of their businesses but also emphasizes the effectiveness of our support systems, including the Centro Business Planning App.


At Centro, we strive to create an inclusive ecosystem that empowers entrepreneurs from diverse backgrounds. In line with our mission, the businesses that have accessed our Capital Hub during 2023 continue to be led by a remarkable group of individuals:

  • Women: Nine of the businesses accessing our Capital Hub are led by women. We are proud to support these visionary women who are making significant strides in their respective industries.

  • Immigrants and People of Color (POC): Twelve of the businesses accessing our Capital Hub are led by immigrants and individuals from various POC communities. Their dedication to entrepreneurship and their determination to succeed in a new environment inspire us all.

  • Latinx: Ten Latinx entrepreneurs have leveraged the resources of our Capital Hub to fuel their businesses. We celebrate their contributions to the local economy and the vibrant cultural tapestry of our communities.

  • Black: Two Black entrepreneurs have accessed our Capital Hub, bringing forth their unique perspectives and expertise to drive innovation and positive change.

We are honored to work with such a diverse group of entrepreneurs who are breaking barriers and forging their own paths in the small business world. Centro remains committed to providing equal opportunities and resources to entrepreneurs from all backgrounds, ensuring that everyone has a fair chance to thrive.


Through the SEED initiative, Immigrants Rising offers grants to entrepreneurs who are starting or growing a business in California. The opportunity is intended for undocumented individuals and people who have been granted Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and Temporoary Protected Status (TPS), as well as those with limited English proficiency. This funding aims to empower immigrants to become successful business owners, contributing to the local economy and their communities. The Centro Capital Hub was able to provide support with the application process and helped 7 entrepreneurs apply for the Immigrants Rising’s SEED $5,000 Grant.

Please let us know if you or someone you know is interested in accessing a Kiva loan or have any questions. Carlo Arellano, Capital Access Manager:

Self-Paced Entrepreneurship Bootcamp by Centro Community Partners

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our new Self-Paced Entrepreneurship Bootcamp (Beta version), a flexible and innovative learning opportunity designed to help entrepreneurs launch their new small businesses. This free basic entrepreneurship course guides participants through the process of creating a business plan using Centro's Business Planning App, our flagship tool to help small business entrepreneurs start and grow businesses.

The Self-Paced Entrepreneurship Bootcamp is ideal for entrepreneurs who are unable to attend a scheduled online course or prefer to learn via independent study. With self-paced learning modules that include both video and written lessons, participants can gain basic knowledge of business concepts in less than a day and complete the course on their own schedule. The course is available in English and takes around 5 hours to complete.

At the end of the course, participants will have the knowledge and tools to create a basic business plan using Centro's Business Planning App to create a basic business plan that can be used as a roadmap for starting or growing their business. The app is our flagship tool to help small business entrepreneurs start and grow their businesses. Entrepreneurs will also have access to additional resources and the Centro community, which provides a supportive network of entrepreneurs committed to helping each other succeed.

Our Self-Paced Entrepreneurship Bootcamp offers an innovative learning experience, delivered using Centro's Learning Management System and Business Planning App, making it easy to use and navigate. No previous education is necessary to enroll. However, we recommend participants to display a genuine dedication to starting or growing their business, and have a business idea they would like to pursue.


As a Beta Version, our new Self-Paced Entrepreneurship Bootcamp is an opportunity for entrepreneurs who want to try out our program and provide us with valuable feedback. We understand that every entrepreneur has different needs, learning styles, and preferences, and we want to make sure that our Bootcamp meets the expectations.

By enrolling in our Beta Version, entrepreneurs will have a chance to test our program, give us feedback, and help us improve our course for future entrepreneurs. Participants' input will be crucial in shaping the course content and delivery method.


For those who prefer a more structured learning experience, we also offer our regular Online Instructor-Led Bootcamp. This facilitator-led, discussion-based online course is scheduled over two sessions and takes 6 hours to complete over three weeks. This program is ideal for entrepreneurs who enjoy learning and networking with other participants and receiving live feedback from their facilitator. 

We are excited to offer both bootcamp options to help entrepreneurs launch their small businesses. Whether you prefer an instructor-led course or a self-paced learning experience, we are committed to providing you with the tools and knowledge you need to succeed. 

Enroll now and start your entrepreneurial journey today!

2023 Q1 Update

We are excited to share some updates regarding our impact in helping entrepreneurs access training, coaching and capital, as well as an announcement of our a new book by Centro’s Founder and CEO, Arturo Noriega. You can now see our latest impact statistics on our Overview page.


In the first quarter of 2023, we served 287 entrepreneurs, 46 of whom attended our training programs.

Through our programs, the Capital Hub and our app, we are on track to help more than 1,105 entrepreneurs by the end of this year.

As we are continuously searching for new ways to support entrepreneurs, we are soon introducing the new Online Self-Paced Bootcamp, an innovative and flexible learning opportunity designed for entrepreneurs who are unable to attend a scheduled online course or prefer to learn at their own pace. With self-paced learning modules that include video and written lessons, independent study is made easy for those who learn best through this approach.


Our Capital Hub has been helping entrepreneurs access interest-free loans through Kiva, and we are proud to announce that over the last three months, we helped seven entrepreneurs receive a total of $63,000 in Kiva loans.

Kiva US announced they are now introducing the ability for entrepreneurs to build their credit as they pay back their Kiva loans.

If you are an entrepreneur with crowdfunding on, your loan profile will indicate that you will be building business credit with the help of this Kiva loan.

Commercial reporting has no restrictions on any type of business, but it is greatly important that you provide Kiva with your accurate business information, as this information is used to generate the credit report.

Decisions related to finances are affected by the information present in your business credit report, including:

  • The extent of business credit a supplier will offer

  • What repayment terms you can expect from other lenders

  • What interest rates you’ll be charged from other lenders

  • The credit or funding you may receive from a bank or lender

  • How your business is perceived by your customers

Read more here.


Our team of coaches has been working to provide one-on-one assistance to entrepreneurs to support them in specific challenges with their businesses.

We have provided a total of 13,300 hours of coaching since we started, and in 2023, we have already provided 85 hours of coaching to entrepreneurs in many locations, with most of them located in Oakland, San Jose, Santa Clara, Stockton and other Bay Area counties. By the end of the year, we anticipate providing a total of 254 hours of coaching.


We're excited to announce that Arturo Noriega, the founder and CEO of Centro Community Partners, has written a new book called "In Pursuit of a Noble Cause." This book shares Arturo's experiences and lessons learned while starting and leading Centro. Through his work, he discovered how to create more racial and gender equity in our society through entrepreneurship.

"In Pursuit of a Noble Cause" is a practical guide to help readers start and grow a mission-driven, community-focused social enterprise or nonprofit . The book is divided into three parts. In the first part, Arturo shares his personal journey and the lessons he learned from starting and leading Centro. In the second part, he explores the theory of change framework and how to apply it to social entrepreneurship. In the third part, he provides practical insights into social leadership and innovation.

The book is currently available for pre-order here until May 11. By pre-ordering the book, you'll be among the first to receive it when it's released in September.

Centro participated in the U.S. Department of State's International Visitor Leadership Program

We are thrilled to share that Centro Community Partners participated in the U.S. Department of State's International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) on Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development last week, April 18-20, 2023. 

This program brought together 20 emerging leaders from 19 different countries (Cuba, Curacao, Egypt, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Haiti, India, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Nepal, Nigeria, Niue, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and the Kingdom of Tonga) to explore different funding options available to startups and small businesses and to learn about how American organizations assist underserved communities with access to tools and entrepreneurial education for entrepreneurial growth.

We were honored to have three of our team members, Arturo Noriega, Founder and CEO; Lelsy Arellano, Community Engagement Lead; and Luisa Chinchilla, Associate, present in this program. During the program, they had the opportunity to showcase Centro's mission and share our success stories with the global leaders.

Arturo shared Centro's social justice story and mission of promoting economic development, access to capital, and building thriving communities through entrepreneurship, as well as insights from his book "In Pursuit of A Noble Cause". Lelsy presented the Centro Business Planning App and curriculum, and Luisa presented our entrepreneur success stories and led an activity on the Centro Business Planning App. 

Our team's participation in this program showcased our community impact and exchange ideas from our international peers. Presenting  Centro Community Partners in the global leadership program helps to share our innovation, vision, and methodology to building better entrepreneurship ecosystems that address race and equity disparities. Our Entrepreneurship Suite (E-Suite) is one way we help other non-profits build their capacity by sharing our training methods, technology, and curriculum.

At Centro, we believe that every individual should have access to the resources and support they need to start and grow their business to achieve financial stability and economic well-being. Our participation in the IVLP program reinforced our commitment to this mission and provided us with valuable insights and inspiration from around the world.

We extend our deepest gratitude to the U.S. Department of State and Global Ties for this incredible opportunity to connect with global leaders and social innovators. We are committed to empower underserved communities through entrepreneurship and look forward to collaborating with our international peers to create positive change in the world.

In Pursuit of a Noble Cause: A New Book by Arturo Noriega

We're excited to announce that Arturo Noriega, the founder and CEO of Centro Community Partners, has written a new book called "In Pursuit of a Noble Cause." This book shares Arturo's experiences and lessons learned while starting and leading Centro. Through his work, he discovered how to create more racial and gender equity in our society through entrepreneurship.

"In Pursuit of a Noble Cause" is a practical guide to help readers start and grow a mission-driven, community-focused social enterprise or nonprofit . The book is divided into three parts. In the first part, Arturo shares his personal journey and the lessons he learned from starting and leading Centro. In the second part, he explores the theory of change framework and how to apply it to social entrepreneurship. In the third part, he provides practical insights into social leadership and innovation.

This book is an essential read for social entrepreneurs, nonprofit leaders, and students of leadership and management who want to make a difference in their communities. Through this book, readers will discover how to better serve their community in a way that aligns with their values and inspires them to start something significant  and impactful .

At Centro Community Partners, we believe that this book will serve as a valuable resource for anyone who wants to create a social impact through entrepreneurship. We encourage our readers to order their copy of "In Pursuit of a Noble Cause" today and join us in pursuing  a noble cause.

The book is currently available for pre-order here. By pre-ordering the book, you'll be among  the first to receive it when it's released in September. By purchasing and reading this book, you're not only gaining valuable insights and practical advice, but you're also supporting our mission to create more racial and gender equity through entrepreneurship. 

We encourage you to pre-order your copy of "In Pursuit of a Noble Cause" today and participate in  this critical  movement. Together, we can make a difference in our communities and beyond.

2022 Summary Update

We are excited to share a high level summary of our work during 2022.

In addition to summaries of entrepreneurs served, the Centro Business Planning App, access to capital and one-on-one assistance, you can also see an overview look at our impact report here.


In 2022, 467 entrepreneurs attended our programs, 356 of whom graduated. We had a total of 47 programs in English and Spanish, from which 27 were Bootcamps, 16 were Basic Entrepreneurship programs, and 4 were Advanced Entrepreneurship Programs. Learn more about our entrepreneurs and their success stories here.


Thanks to the support of the Centro Capital Hub, last year we helped small business owners access $1,464,500 to start and grow their businesses. 
We helped provide access to 70 Kiva loans for a total of $684,000 through our Alameda and San Francisco Kiva Hubs. We also helped 13 entrepreneurs access $80,000 in grants, as well as 5 entrepreneurs access $700,000 in larger small business loans.


In 2022 we provided 719 hours of 1-on-1 assistance to 237 entrepreneurs. The majority of entrepreneurs were located in Oakland & Alameda County (37%), followed by San Jose and Santa Clara County (21%), Stockton and San Joaquin County (14%), other Bay Area Counties (10%) and other locations (18%).


In 2022, we continued our work on improving the Centro Business Planning App, and we released an important app update. With the latest version of the app, entrepreneurs can now see local lenders and resources on the app in multiple languages. They will see resources that offer support in their language at the top of the list and other options that might not offer in their languages below.

Also, entrepreneurs can now update their email addresses if something changes or if they had a typo when they originally created their accounts. As entrepreneurs sign up for and use the app, they are asked to validate their email to ensure that their Business Plans and the emails connecting them to resources are sent to the right place.

We also released an App Demo video, were entrepreneurs and organizations can see how easy it is to use the app and all the features it offers, from helping entrepreneurs create their Business Plans to connect with local organizations that can help with funding and business resources.



We are excited to share that in 2023, we provided access to 48 Kiva loans for a total of $480,000 through our Kiva Hubs. Additionally, we helped 7 entrepreneurs access grants through the SEED initiative, Immigrants Rising (for a total of $35,000).

In 2023 Kiva launched the Endorsement Incentive program to allow endorsed applicants to receive the full loan amount they apply for. The Centro Capital Hub helped 17 entrepreneurs benefit from the  Endorsement Incentive program, receiving the maximum loan amount of up to $15,000. Kiva recently started offering borrowers the opportunity to build business credit through Kiva, and 15% of our borrowers are building credit through their Kiva loans.

In 2023, we focused on connecting entrepreneurs with different sources of capital, including loans, grants, and 1-1 business coaching services. Our primary motivation was to create more significant links with local resources and take advantage of the different alternatives offered by the market to keep small businesses in operation. 30% of Kiva loan applicants are Centro graduates.

Another essential change last year was to bring a closer connection between our Capital Hub, workshops, and 1-on-1 business advising support to address the different challenges small businesses faced. Lastly, we added new functionality to the Centro Business Planning App to help entrepreneurs easily discover and connect with local resources, including microlenders and Centro for Kiva loans.

We have continued to improve the repayment rate to 88% (from 69% in 2019), showing the commitment of borrowers to pay their loans on time, as well as the positive use of the Centro Business Planning App. All borrowers not backed by an organization are required to go to the business planning activities on our app, which helps them think through their business model which mitigates the risk of them falling behind on repayments.

The businesses that accessed our Centro Capital Hub are mainly led by women (72%), immigrants (60%), people of color, Latinx (55%), and Black (38%).


Kiva US announced they are now introducing the ability for entrepreneurs to build their credit as they pay back their Kiva loans. 

If you are an entrepreneur with crowdfunding on, your loan profile will indicate that you will be building business credit with the help of this Kiva loan.

Commercial reporting has no restrictions on any type of business, but it is essential that you provide Kiva with your accurate business information, as this information is used to generate the credit report.

 Decisions related to finances are affected by the information present in your business credit report, including:

  •  The extent of business credit a supplier will offer

  • What repayment terms you can expect from other lenders

  • What interest rates you’ll be charged by other lenders

  •  The credit or funding you may receive from a bank or lender

  •  How your customers perceive your business

Read more here.


Meet Carolina, owner of Metanoia Zone LLC, a company dedicated to the personal growth and development of teenagers and their parents; they offer courses in 5 areas of development and 1:1 coaching sessions.

Carolina is an immigrant woman born in Caracas, Venezuela. She studied marketing and bioanalysis, which allowed her to develop skills such as team leadership, conferences and speaking engagements, and coaching. She’s the co-owner of Metanoia Zone LLC, a company dedicated to supporting mothers of teenagers in resolving family and relationship conflicts. Carolina expresses, “As a mother, coach, NLP Practitioner, and speaker, I can bring value to parents and teens through the e-learning platform created mainly to address their main challenges.”

This Kiva loan is helping Carolina scale and purchase all the necessary technology to provide a quality service. Specifically, funds will go to buying inventory and hiring an employee and an assistant accountant.

Learn more about her Kiva campaign here.

Please let us know if you or someone you know is interested in accessing a Kiva loan or have any questions. Carlo Arellano, Capital Access Manager:

Quarterly Capital Hub Update

In this quarterly Capital Hub update we’ll share some of our accomplishments, a new video about the Kiva process, how entrepreneurs can build their credit through Kiva loans, and the stories of two entrepreneurs who finished their Kiva campaigns.


Since the start of 2022, we have helped 66 entrepreneurs access a total of $658,000 in Kiva loans through Centro’s Kiva Hubs. We also helped 13 entrepreneurs access $80,000 in grants, as well as 5 entrepreneurs access $700,000 in larger small business loans with local CDFIs (Community Development Financial Institutions).


We are excited to share our new Capital Hub video that explains the process of getting a 0% interest Kiva loan and how we can support you through the process:

Over the last three months, the Centro Capital Hub helped 15 entrepreneurs access a total of $162,000 in interest-free loans through Kiva.


Kiva US has recently announced they are now introducing building credit to their platform. 

If you are an entrepreneur with crowdfunding on, your loan profile will indicate that you will be building business credit with the help of this Kiva loan.

Commercial reporting has no restrictions on any type of business, but it is greatly important that you provide Kiva with your accurate business information, as this information is used to generate the credit report.

The following financial decisions are impacted by the information contained in my business credit report:

  • How much business credit a supplier will extend to you

  • What repayment terms you’ll receive

  • What interest rates you’ll pay

  • How much credit or funding a bank or lender will extend to you

  • How your customers view your business

Read more here.


Meet Bernadette and Daniel, two amazing entrepreneurs who received $9,500 and $15,000 Kiva loans to grow their businesses in the Bay Area:



Bernadette is a daughter of immigrants from the Philippines who grew up in San Francisco. She’s the owner of INA Botanicals & Tea, an herbal and specialty tea company committed to supporting women's personal growth and wellness.

“I've studied herbs and blended teas for pleasure and individual wellness in the past few years. Last year, I launched INA Botanicals & Tea and learned more about how to develop the products, brand, and position their value. The next step is to grow and share herbs' supportive and delicious properties on a larger scale.” - Bernadette

This Kiva loan is helping Bernadette scale and become more available online and in stores. It provides funding for dried herbal ingredients and enables INA to hire a sales consultant to help get the product on store shelves, starting with the West Coast.
See Bernadette Kiva Campaign here.



Daniel is the founder of Oasis Design, a professional creative home design studio that promotes sustainable home development for the Bay Area communities, and graduated from Centro Basic Entrepreneurship program.

“I grew up in a family of creative craftsmen, mostly cabinet and furniture makers From my grandfather to my father and uncles, I always enjoyed watching them construct and create beautiful elements and admired their tenacity to run their own businesses. It was through my father’s creative thinking and hard work that we were able to migrate to the US, and I always worked with him in his construction business. ” - Daniel

This loan helped Daniel purchase technology equipment, implement and improve his marketing strategy, as well as the hire of personnel.
See Bernadette Kiva Campaign here.

Please let us know if you or someone you know is interested in accessing a Kiva loan or have any questions. Verónica Gutiérrez, Capital Access Manager:

Buy from some of our favorite Bay Area small businesses in “Shop the Bay” Guide 2022!

The Shop the Bay is back for this Holiday Season! Check out this directory now and find an array of extraordinary globally-inspired products, artisan goods and environmentally-minded brands, all created by Bay Area underserved small business owners. 

This is an initiative of the San Francisco Economic Development Alliance (SFEDA), and we are part of the alliance. You can use the guide to discover and support local small businesses in the Bay Area.

In this guide, you will find unique gifts for the holiday season, like Year-end gifts for staff, thank-you gifts for board members, goods for corporate holiday baskets, holiday party favors, gratitude gifts for nonprofit funders and high-level donors, volunteer appreciation gifts, or surprise gifts for key consultants and contractors. 

The Shop the Bay Guide makes it easier for you to find unique gifts as you can search by:

  • Price: up to $15, between $16 - $30, Between $31-$50, and from $51 and up.

  • Business owner profile: Women-Owned, Black-owned, AAPI-owned and Latinx-owned.

If you want to find inspiration, the Shop the Bay Guide offers a variety of products which includes:

  • Apparel & Accessories

  • Home & Personal Goods

  • Art & Entertainment

  • Savory foods

  • Coffee & Tea

  • Sweets & Treats

When you shop at a small business, you are supporting a dream, bringing forth unique products, creating meaningful new jobs and making a difference with your dollars.

Only together can we truly support our Bay Area community of small business entrepreneurs.