Finalists for The Workers Lab Innovation Fund Fall 2020

We are excited to announce that Centro was selected as one of the 10 finalist for The Workers Lab’s Innovation Fund for Fall 2020!

Read the Announcement by The Workers Lab:

Last September, we put out a call for innovations to support workers in “coming back” stronger from COVID-19 and the myriad of injustices and broken systems that predated the pandemic.

The response to the Fall 2020 cycle of The Innovation Fund was nothing short of amazing: We heard from 558 innovators in seven countries and 46 states across the United States.

We are excited to share our 10 finalists with you below. Each of the outstanding worker leaders has a new idea or innovative approach to strengthen and support the economic comeback of historically underserved workers impacted by the pandemic and systemic injustice. 

Their ideas take on a variety of issues facing workers - access to affordable child care and small business support, to training for green jobs of the future - but the through-line is putting power back in the hands of workers.

On January 21, 2021, at 9 AM PT, all of our finalists will participate in our Finalist Showcase. During this event, they will receive live feedback from participants as they pitch their ideas for a chance to win $150,000 from The Innovation Fund for their projects. For the first time we're opening our showcase to the public. If you are interested in attending, you can RSVP for our Finalist Showcase livestream and watch it all unfold.

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