West Coast

"There’s so much to learn, it’s like a puzzle to be solved " - Bernadette

Finding Inspiration in Tea

Bernadette Aguirre, a first-generation Filipina American from San Francisco, California, is the founder of INA Botanicals & Tea, an herbal and specialty tea company that is dedicated to supporting personal growth and wellness. 

Bernadette started selling her products in 2021 in San Francisco and has since expanded her business to include online sales through a California Department of Public Health license.

Bernadette's love for tea and herbs started when she was a young professional in New York City over 15 years ago. She would start her day with a cup of Earl Grey tea from the local bodega, but soon discovered the holistic health benefits of tea and herbs. As she became busier in her marketing and product development career, tea and herbs provided moments of reprieve through herbal self-care rituals.

When Bernadette became pregnant with her first child, she couldn't find a product that met her quality, flavor, and support expectations, nor was there a brand that resonated with her busy, city lifestyle. This is when the idea of INA Botanicals & Tea was born.

Overcoming Challenges as a Solo Entrepreneur

Starting a business can be a lonely journey, and Bernadette faced her share of challenges. However, she persevered and was able to get her products into a few retailers and build a loyal customer base.

Bernadette works closely with her father, who helps her in the kitchen, and has a team of consultants in sales and social media. Her family has been instrumental in supporting her entrepreneurial journey, with her husband, parents, and extended family providing moral and logistical support.

She believes in the power of community and works to educate others about the benefits of herbs and teas. She provides tips on how to drink tea as a self-care ritual and shares information on teas through digital platforms and in-person events.

From Entrepreneurial Dream to Reality

Bernadette always knew she wanted to be an entrepreneur, and her passion for tea and herbs fueled her entrepreneurial journey. She received an MBA and worked in leadership positions to gain the skills she needed to start her business.

“I like having a broad and detailed view on every aspect of the business from product development, operations, marketing and finance. There’s so much to learn and it’s fun to come up with a business strategy, putting all the disciplines of businesses together. It’s like a puzzle to be solved.” - Bernadette

Bernadette joined Centro through the Kiva lending program and was endorsed by Centro during her Kiva fundraising campaign from October to November 2022. Through the Centro Capital Hub, she received Centro's endorsement, which provided credibility to her campaign and contributed to her success in becoming fully funded through Kiva. Bernadette would recommend Centro to friends and family and encourages other entrepreneurs to find support groups to provide accountability and structure on their entrepreneurial journey.

She is currently working on a sales strategy and reaching out to target retailers in the Bay Area. Her goal is to get into at least 10 retailers or cafes in the first quarter of 2023. Bernadette's passion and dedication to her business, combined with her strong support network, are sure to lead to continued success for INA Botanicals & Tea.

Join us in congratulating Bernadette! If you are in San Francisco and want to learn more about Bernadette’s delicious specialty teas and all of her products, you can visit  INA Botanicals & Tea and contact her.

"Colombia es sabor, es pasión, es alegria, es vida atraves de Olalá.” - Edisney

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Edisney Roa Trujillo es una emprendedora latina originaria de Colombia fundadora de Olalá Popsicles, ahora localizada en San Jose, California. 

A la edad de  10 años, ella y su familia fueron desplazados desde su pequeño pueblo a la capital de Meta por la violencia. Años más tarde, junto a su familia decidió emigrar a Estados Unidos en busca de mejores oportunidades.

Sin embargo, esta situación no impidió luchar por sus sueños y desarrollarse como persona y profesionalmente, ya que desde niña siempre soñó con tener su propio negocio. Edisney estudió como técnico en administración de empresas y completó siete semestres de ingeniería industrial.


Una de las principales pasiones de Edisney es hacer postres tradicionales colombianos para su familia, especialmente postres de maracuyá. 

Orgullosa de sus raices colombianas Viviendo en Estados Unidos y extrañando la gastronomía de su país, decidió hacer de sus deliciosas “paletas” su propio negocio Olalá Popsicles, para que otros disfrutaran de los sabores tradicionales de su pais.

“Llevamos alegria a nuestros clientes, es indescriptible la experiencia de un colombiano que hace muchos años no va a su país, se encuentra con nosotros, prueba una paleta exótica de nuestra tierra y la felicidad es inminente.” - Edisney

Olalá Popsicles es un emprendimiento familiar, en el cual trabajan día a día con mucho amor y anhelos de verlo crecer. Tienen 5 puntos de distribución, en San José, CA, donde su producto principal son sus Deliciosas Paletas Artesanales Colombianas de distintos sabores como fruta de la pasión, guayaba con queso, mora y guanábana, pero también tienen desayunos saludables y granizados. 

“Mi inspiración siempre ha sido mi familia, siendo mi hija Isabella el motor y el impulso para tomar la decisión de llevarlo a cabo. Anhelo que todo el mundo conozca una parte de nuestra deliciosa gastronomía colombiana. Deleitar sus paladares con nuestras exquisitas paletas, que conozcan otra parte de colombia, mostrar que colombia es sabor, es pasión, es alegria, es vida atraves de Olalá.” - Edisney


Al empezar con su negocio, uno de sus principales miedos era no poder tener una planeacion correcta, y el desconocimiento del área contable.

Referida por unas amigas, quienes impulsaron a Edisney a contactar con Centro, Edisney realizó el Programa de Emprendimiento Básico. En este programa, pudo realizar un plan de negocio para Olalá Popsicles durante 9 semanas. Pero Edisney no se conformó con eso, y seguidamente se graduó del Programa de Emprendimiento Avanzado para llevar su negocio a un nuevo nivel. 

Gracias a su gran motivación y lucha continua por cumplir sus sueños, Edisney ha llevado a cabo este año una campaña de Kiva en la que recaudó $15,000 con el apoyo de Centro Capital Hub. Gracias a esta campaña de recaudación de fondos, ha podido comprar la maquinaría que necesitaba para optimizar la producción y distribución de sus paletas.

“Centro es magnífico, su nombre no pudo ser mejor porque te CENTRAN. Aterrizas en tu realidad, compartiendo con otros emprendedores y dándote cuenta que todos vaos en la misma dirección es una dosis de motivación al 100%. Además te dan asesorías sobre cualquier tema que tú necesites, te capacitan para emprender, te dan las herramientas y siguen pendientes de ti después del curso. Y lo más maravilloso te asesora para poder tener un crédito con Kiva sin interés, suena mentira, pero es real, ¡yo lo tengo!” - Edisney


Actualmente, Olala Popsicles está en crecimiento, y Edisney está trabajando para posicionarla en el mercado y llegar a más público de diferentes culturas. Edisney está trabajando en su planificación para 2023 y entre sus objetivos esta tener su propio punto físico de Olalá.

En estos momentos es un negocio familiar, pero uno de los objetivos que Edisney tiene para el futuro es generar empleo a madres solteras y cabeza de familia, y que sientan el apoyo y el respaldo de su empleador. Además para ella es muy importante dar ejemplo de trabajo y esfuerzo a sus hijos y darles ejemplo de superación. “Me gusta la independencia y la libertad, me gusta la idea de dejar un legado a mis hijos y sentirme orgullosa de haber podido construir una empresa exitosa como lo será Olala.” 

Pensando a largo plazo, uno de los sueños de Edisney es poder ayudar a las personas menos favorecidas y en el futuro poder crear nuestra su propia Fundación Olala.

¡Únete a nosotros para felicitar a Edisney por ser valiente y seguir sus sueños! Si estás en San José y quieres conocer más acerta de las deliciosas paletas colombianas de Olala Popsicles y todos sus productos, puedes visitar su Instagram y contactar con ella.

"Colombia is flavor, is passion, is joy, is life through Olalá" - Edisney

Para leer en español, haz click aquí


Edisney Roa Trujillo is a Latina entrepreneur and founder of Olalá Popsicles  in San Jose, California.

At the age of 10, she and her family were displaced from their small town in Colombia due to the extreme violence and moved to the United States with her family to search of better opportunities.

However, this did not stop her from fighting for her dreams and always dreamed of having her own business since she was a child. Edisney studied business administration and completed seven semesters of industrial engineering.


One of Edisney's main passions is making traditional Colombian desserts for her family, especially passion fruit desserts. 

Proud of her Colombian roots and missing the gastronomy of her country, she decided to start her own business Olalá Popsicles, making her delicious "paletas", so that others could enjoy the traditional flavors of her country.

"We bring joy to our customers. It is impossible to describe the experience of a Colombian who has not been to their country for many years and tastes one of our exotic popsicles with flavors from our land. Their happiness is guaranteed." - Edisney

Olalá Popsicles is a family business, in which they work daily with a lot of love and desire to see it grow. They have 5 distribution points, in San Jose, CA, where their main product is their Delicious Colombian Artisan Popsicles in different flavors such as passion fruit, guava with cheese, blackberry and soursop (guanábana), but they also have healthy breakfasts and slushies. 

"My inspiration has always been my family, with my daughter Isabella as the engine, and catalyst for me to embark on this dream. I long for everyone to know a part of our delicious Colombian gastronomy. Delight their palates with our exquisite paletas, that they know another part of Colombia, show that Colombia is flavor, is passion, is joy, is life through Olalá". - Edisney


When she started her business, she feared that she couldn’t plan correctly, and lacked accounting knowledge.

After some friends encouraged Edisney to contact Centro, she completed the Basic Entrepreneurship Program. In this program, she was able to create a business plan for Olalá Popsicles in 9 weeks. Edisney then participated in the Advanced Entrepreneurship Program to take her business to a new level. 

Thanks to her great motivation and persistence to fulfill her dreams, Edisney ran a Kiva campaign this year in which she raised $15,000 with the support of Centro Capital Hub. Thanks to this fundraising campaign, she has been able to purchase the machinery she needed to optimize the production and distribution of her pallets.

"Centro is magnificent, their name couldn't have been better because they center you. You land in your reality, sharing with other entrepreneurs and realizing that everyone is going in the same direction is a 100% dose of motivation. They also give you advice on any topic you need, they train you to become an entrepreneur, they give you the tools and they keep on looking after you after the course. And the most wonderful thing is that they advise you on how to get a credit with Kiva without interest, it sounds like a lie, but it's real, I have it!" - Edisney


Currently, Olala Popsicles is growing, and Edisney is working to position it in the market and reach more audiences from different cultures. Edisney is working on its planning for the next year and among its goals is to have its own physical Olala location.

At the moment it is a family business, and one of Edisney's objectives for the future is to generate employment for single mothers and heads of household, and create a workspace where they feel the support and backing of their employer. It is also very important for her to set an example of work and effort to her children and to give them an example of self-improvement. "I like the independence and freedom, I like the idea of leaving a legacy to my children and feeling proud of having been able to build a successful company like Olala will be." 

Thinking long term, one of Edisney's dreams is to be able to help and create her own Olala Foundation to help underprivileged people.

Join us in congratulating Edisney for being brave and following her dreams! If you are in San Jose and want to learn more about Edisney’s delicious Colombian popsicles and all of her products, you can visit  Olala Popsicles on  Instagram and contact her.

"My wish is to see a new generation at peace and in control of their emotions" - Ingrid

Para leer en español, haz click aquí


Ingrid Sanchez is a Latina entrepreneur originally from Colombia, now located in San Jose, California. She has a passion for neuropsychological education and has 17 years experience working in the area of behavioral psychology with families and adults. During the pandemic, she found a new need in the families around her that she could solve.

Her business started in 2020 during the quarantine period, when some parents and friends had difficulty not knowing how to support their children at home. As a result of school closures, children had to change from in-person to online classes. This change caused alterations in family habits and routines, making it a challenge to combine parents' remote work and childrens’ online school. So, Ingrid began to offer a support service to families in her community, accompanying their young children during online class hours.


Ingrid has 10 years of experience in early childhood education, promoting cultural themes and alternative strategies for children's learning. "I have three children, ages 10, 9, and 2, and they awakened in me a desire to learn more about education. When I decided I wanted to be a mother, I knew I wanted to be a present mom, and I wanted to give my children an alternative education." - Ingrid

In addition, she has always been attracted to entrepreneurship, and her desire to also support other families gave her the push she needed to start her own business: Niños Sanos, Seguros y Felices.

"My wish is to see a new generation at peace and in control of their emotions, where parents have a real connection with their children. All families have these challenges, and I teach them the tools and techniques to be the best version as parents and families. Seeing families in harmony, happy, and fulfilled despite the challenges is possible with the right tools.” - Ingrid


When Ingrid decided to establish her business in San José, one of her biggest challenges was the economic aspect and the creation of her business plan. Recommended by a friend, she contacted Centro and enrolled in the Basic Entrepreneurship Program where she clarified the basic aspects of her business, including her mission: to accompany families in parenting, education, and wellbeing from the perspective of neuroscience, conscious discipline and positive psychology, achieving a healthy, safe and happy childhood. Ingrid founded her company Niños Sanos, Seguros y Felices shortly after finishing the course.

After finalizing her business plan, Ingrid accessed a $1,500 loan from Kiva to help her with the initial paperwork to start her business. With the help of the Centro Capital Hub, she set up her first Kiva campaign which she was successful in obtaining and completed all her payments afterward.

Recently, Ingrid graduated from the Advanced Entrepreneurship Program, where she also received personalized one-on-one counseling to solve specific questions about her business and situation. During this advanced program, Ingrid developed an idea of offering a new line of services and incorporated it into her business. Programs focused specifically on children.

"In the programs, I learned and was able to meet peers who were creating their ventures in different markets and we moved forward together. We support each other a lot, it's a living community and we all cooperate with each other." - Ingrid

Thanks to her first successful experience with Kiva, Ingrid was able to create her second Kiva campaign and apply for a second loan of $6,500 that would allow her to obtain a new certification based on neurocreativity and the Waldorf methodology, Reggio Emilia. This certification would help her expand her business and increase her capacity to provide skills to children, adolescents, and their families. She was also able to improve her online presence and prepare a marketing strategy to have new clients and maintain online communication at different levels.


In 2022, Ingrid is prepared and ready to launch new products to diversify her sources of income and offer complementary products to her services.

“During one of the business coaching sessions with Centro, I came up with two new products for my business. One of the products is a box called "60 Powerful Phrases" in which people are fed with thoughts and actions that are structured in six steps and cover topics of parenting, education, and self. Through these boxes I also invite people to my sessions." - Ingrid.

The second product she is going to launch soon is a day-connection planner that allows families to be more connected after work and to carry out activities together. Ingrid is also working on another of her goals, a membership business called Magical Adventure.

If you are in San Jose and want to learn more about Ingrid's services and products, you can visit her website Niños Sanos, Seguros y Felices. You can also support her by following her on Instagram and Facebook.

“Mi deseo es ver una nueva generación en paz y que controle sus emociones” - Ingrid

To read in English, click here


Ingrid Sanchez es una emprendedora latina originaria de Colombia, ahora localizada en San Jose, California. Tiene pasión por la educación neuropsicológica y tiene 17 años de experiencia trabajando en área de psicología conductual con familias y adultos. Durante la pandemia encontro una nueva necesidad en las familias de su entorno que ella podía solucionar. 

Su negocio empieza en 2020 durante la cuarentena, donde algunos padres y amistades tenían la dificultad de no saber como apoyar a sus hijos en casa. A raíz del cierre de los colegios, los niños tuvieron que modificar sus clases presenciales por clases online. Este cambio causó alteraciones en los hábitos y rutinas familiares, donde era dificil compaginar el teletrabajo de los padres y el colegio online de los niños. Por esta razón, Ingrid comenzó a ofrecer un servicio de apoyo a familias de su entorno, dando acompañamiento a sus hijos pequeños durante sus horas de clase online.


Ingrid tiene 10 años de experiencia en temas de educación para la infancia en un centro, fomentando temas cultural y estrategias alternativas para el aprendizaje de los niños. 

“Tengo tres hijos, de 10, 9 y de 2 años, y  ellos despertaron en mí esta iniciativa de querer aprender más en temas educativos. Cuando decidí que quería ser madre, supe que quería ser mamá presente, y quería darles una educación alternativa a mis hijos.” - Ingrid

Además, siempre se ha sentido atraida por el emprendimiento y su deseo por apoyar también a otras familias le dió el empujón necesario para comenzar su propio negocio: Niños Sanos, Seguros y Felices.

“Mi deseo es ver una nueva generación en paz y que controle sus emociones. Donde los padres tengan conexion real con los hijos. En las familias se presentan retos y yo les enseño las herramientas y tecnicas para ser la mejor version como padres y familias. Ver familias en armonia, felices y plenas a pesar de los retos es posible con las herramientas correctas.


Cuando Ingrid decidió establecer su negocio en San José, uno de sus mayores retos era el aspecto económico y la creación de su plan de negocio. Recomendada por una amiga, contactó con Centro y se inscribió en el Programa de Emprendimiento Básico donde clarificó los aspectos básicos de su negocio, incluyendo su misión: acompañar a las familias en la crianza, educación y bienestar desde la perspectiva de la neurociencias, disciplina consciente y psicología positiva logrando una niñez sana, segura y feliz. Ingrid onstituyó su empresa Niños Sanos, Seguros y Felices al poco tiempo de finalizar el curso. 

Tras finalizar su plan de negocio, Ingrid accedió a un préstamo de Kiva de $1,500 que le ayudó con los tramites iniciales para arrancar su negocio. Ayudada del Centro Capital Hub, preparó su primera campaña de Kiva que logró conseguir con éxito y completó todos sus pagos después. 

Recientemente, Ingrid se ha graduado del Programa de Emprendimiento Avanzado, donde también ha recibido asesorias individuales personalizadas para resolver dudas específicas de su negocio y situación. Durante este programa avanzado, Ingrid ha desarrollado una idea e incorporado una nueva línea de servicios a su negocio. Programas enfocados específicamente en niños.

“En los programas aprendí y pude conocer a compañeros que estaban creando sus emprendimientos en diferentes mercados y avanzabamos juntos. Nos apoyamos mucho, es una comunidad viva y entre todos cooperamos.” - Ingrid.

Gracias a su primera experiencia exitosa con Kiva, Ingrid pudo crear su segunda campaña de Kiva y solicitar un segundo préstamo de $6,500 que e permitiera mejorar sus conocimientos en el proceso educativo, obtener una nueva certificación basada en la neurocreatividad y la metodología Waldorf, Reggio Emilia. Esta certificación le ayudaría a expandir su negocio y aumentar su capacidad para brindar habilidades a niños, adolescentes y sus familias. Además, de mejorar su presencia en línea y preparar una estrategia de marketing para tener nuevos clientes y mantener la comunicación en línea en diferentes niveles.


En 2022 Ingrid está preparanzo y lista para lanzar nuevos productos para diversificar sus fuentes de ingreso y ofrecer productos complementarios a sus servicios. “Durante el desarrollo en una de las sesiones de asesoría con Centro, yo ideé dos nuevos productos para mi negocio. 

Uno de los productos es una caja que se llama “60 Frases Poderosas” en donde se alimenta de pensamientos y acciones a las personas y está estructurado en seis pasos en temas de crianza, educación, y del ser. Por medio de estas cajas además invito a mis sesiones.” - Ingrid.

El segundo producto que va a lanzar proximamente es un planificador de conexiones de día que permite a las familias a estar más conectadas tras el trabajo y realizar actividades unidos. Ingrid también esta trabajando en otro de sus objetivos una membresia de su negocio llamada Magical Adventure.

Si estás en San José y quieres conocer más acerta de los servicios y productos de Ingrid, puedes visitar su página web Niños Sanos, Seguros y Felices. También puedes apoyarla, siguiéndole en Instagram y Facebook.

"Look for help because there is support and you are not alone." - Paola

Paola Alvarado is a Latina entrepreneur who changed her outlook on work and life in the midst of the pandemic, and take control of her own fate. Paola worked as a bartender until the during pandemic she lost her job and she decided to start her own mobile bar business Pao Craft Cocktails in East Palo Alto, California.

Paola comes from a family of entrepreneurs, with her parents owning a small shoe business in Mexico. Thanks to the experience with her family, she discovered at a young age that she wanted to have her own business one day.


Although she dreamed about begining an entrepreneur, making the decision in the middle of the pandemic was a challenge for Paola, due to doubts about capital and administrative issues. Paola had 4 years of experience as a bartender so she had a lot of knowledge in the industry, but no business experience. Thanks to a friend’s recommendation, she decided to take Centro’s Basic Entrepreneurship Program.

"The program helped me get a clearer sense of my business: to understand the operations a little bit better, where each operation breaks down and how to work in each one of them. I have already implemented in my business a lot of what I learned in the Programs."

During the 9-week basic program, Paola created Pao Craft Cocktails' first Business Plan and consolidated the foundation to start her business. She also received one-on-one Business Coaching that helped her overcome her doubts and create goals for her business. Paola was aware that she needed capital to take her business to the next level with her business and buy a van that would help her work at events. With the help of the Centro Capital Hub she decided to create her Kiva fundraising campaign. Paola raised the $15,000 from her campaign and just bought the van for her business to transport more equipment and hold larger events.

Paola's strength and ability to overcome challenges and take a big leap with her business motivated her to take the Advanced Entrepreneurship Program while running her Kiva campaign. Thanks to this program, Paola worked alongside with entrepreneurs who were in her same situation and with whom she created important friendships and networks to support each other's businesses.


Pao Craft Cocktails is a craft cocktail business that focuses on creating fun and different environments with a delicious drink tailored to the needs of its customers. Pao Craft Cocktails is a mobile bar and they serve their customers at the location of their choice. 

One of Paola's biggest challenges as a Latina immigrant has been the language barrier since she arrived in the United States at the age of 21. This has been an especially big challenge while creating her business, and it is one that she continues to face on a daily basis. 

When she began her journey as an entrepreneur, Paola had to trade in her bartender’s hat for a business owner’s, and it wasn't easy: "Another big challenge was figuring out how to sell my product and make the packages. I had to research everything that goes into making a bar because it's a lot of calculations and all that cost me months of research." In addition, she had to get special alcohol licenses and learn how to manage documentation and taxes.

Thanks to the daily support of her husband and her 9-year-old daughter, she has fought for her dream of being an entrepreneur and owning her own business. For her daughter, she is a great example of strength and sacrifice, as she sees how hard she works to train and establish her business. She is also an example of success for her Latina community and in the Facebook group, where she started writing posts to promote her business. No


Her main goal in the coming months is to promote her business and build customer loyalty. She is also working on her prices and on improving her operations. She has 3 people working for her as contractors and is considering hiring them as full-time employees, due to her rapid growth and success.

"To entrepreneurs I would say look for help because there is support and you are not alone. Now thanks to Centro and Kiva I know, and I can tell you that."
If you want to enjoy her wonderful handcrafted cocktails in the Bay Area and support Paola Alvarado's business, visit her website Pao Craft Cocktails. You can also support her business on her social media Instagram and Facebook.

“Busca ayuda porque hay apoyo y no estás sol@” - Paola

To read in English, click here


Paola Alvarado es una emprendedora Latina que cambió su visión del trabajo y vida en plena pandemia, y tomó las riendas de su propio destino. Paola trabajaba como camarera hasta que durante la pandemia perdió su trabajo y decidió emprender su propio negocio de barras móviles Pao Craft Cocktails en East Palo Alto.

Paola viene de una familia de emprendedores, con padres dueños de un negocio de calzado en México. Gracias a la experiencia de su familia, descubrió desde pequeña junto a sus 3 hermanas que en el futuro ella también quería tener su propio negocio.


A pesar de estar convencida de que algún día tendría su propio negocio, tomar la decisión en plena pandemia fue un reto para Paola por las dudas sobre capital y temas administrativos. Paola tenía 4 años de experiencia como camarera por lo que tenía mucha experiencia en la industria, pero no tenía experiencia en negocios. Gracias a la recomendación de una amiga, decidió tomar el Programa Básico de Emprendimiento de Centro.

“El programa me ayudaró a tener un sentido más claro del negocio: a entender un poquito mejor las operaciones, en que se rompe cada operación y cómo trabajar en cada una de ellas. Ya he implementado en mi negocio mucho de lo que aprendí en los programas.”

Durante las 9 semanas que duro el programa básico, Paola creó el primer Plan de Negocio de Pao Craft Cocktails y consolidó la base para comenzar su negocio. También recibió Asesorías de Negocio uno a uno que le ayudaron a clarificar sus dudas y crear objetivos para su negocio. Paola era consciente de que necesitaba capital para llevar su negocio al siguiente nivel y comprar una camioneta que le ayudaría a trabajar en eventos. Con la ayuda de Centro Capital Hub decidió crear su campaña de fundraising de Kiva. Paola consiguió los $15,000 de su campaña y acaba de comprarse la camioneta para para transportar más equipos y realizar eventos más grandes.

La fuerza y capacidad de superación de Paola para dar un gran salto con su negocio, la motivó a realizar el Programa Avanzado de Emprendimiento mientras realizaba su campaña de Kiva. Gracias a este programa, Paola trabajó con otros emprendedores que estaban en su misma situación y con los que creó importantes amistades y redes de contactos para apoyarse mutuamente con sus negocios.


Pao Craft Cocktails es un negocio de coctelería artesanal, y se enfoca en crear ambientes divertidos y diferentes con una deliciosa bebida hecha a medida de las necesidades de sus clientes. Se trata de un bar móvil y atienden a sus clientes en el lugar que elijan.

Uno de los grandes retos de Paola como inmigrante latina ha sido la barrera del idioma, desde que llegó con 21 años a Estados Unidos. Este ha sido un desafío especialmente grande al crear su negocio, y es uno que continúa enfrentando a diario.

Cuando comenzó su trayectoría como emprendedora, Paola tuvo que cambiar su sombrero de camarera al de dueña de un negocio, y no fue sencillo. “Otro gran reto fue descubrir cómo vender mi producto y hacer los paquetes. Tuve que investigar todo lo que era todo lo que conlleva hacer una barra porque son muchos cálculos y todo eso me costó meses meses meses de investigación.” Además, tuvo que conseguir licencias especiales de alcohol y aprender a gestionar documentación e impuestos.

Gracias al apoyo diario de su marido y su hija de 9 años, ha luchado por su sueño de ser emprendedora y tener su propio negocio. Para su hija es un gran ejemplo de lucha y sacrificio, ya que ve lo duro que trabaja for formarse y establecer su negocio. También es un ejemplo de éxito para su comunidad Latina y el grupo de Facebook de su comunidad, donde comenzó escribiendo publicaciones para promocionar su negocio, y ahora otras latinas ven en ella un modelo a seguir y una motivación para seguir sus pasos como emprendedoras.


Su objetivo principal en los próximos meses es promover suy negocio y fidelizar a sus clientes. También está trabajando en sus precios y mejorar sus operaciones. Cuenta con 3 personas que trabajan para ella como contractors y está considerando contratarlos a tiempo completo como empleados por su rápido crecimiento y éxito.

“A los emprendedores les diría que busquen ayuda porque la hay y no están solos. Ahora gracias a Centro y Kiva yo lo sé, y se lo puedo decir.”

Si quieres disfrutar de sus maravillosos cocktails arteranales  y apoyar el negocio de Paola Alvarado, visita su página web Pao Craft Cocktails. También puedes apoyar su negocio en sus redes sociales Instagram y Facebook.

"Building integrity, empowerment, and community" - Misty


Misty L. Franklin is a leader within her community and a professional speaker who utilizes her voice to help build integrity, empowerment, and community.

Misty is the daughter of a father that was incarcerated. Then Misty was incarcerated herself. However, against all the odds, she broke the cycle. She was able to integrate back into society, and she did it on her own, without resources or support. She thought to herself “how can I provide resources and support to other women who are in the same situation that I was in?” That’s why she founded Restore 180.

Restore 180 gives people the power to learn techniques to persevere by developing their personal motivation, discovering solutions to obstacles, clarifying the details of the life they want to live and learning how to keep going when the going gets tough.


When Misty launched Restore 180 she wanted to plant the seeds right to get her business off the ground by building a solid foundation, but she didn’t know where to start. 

In the beginning, Misty was overwhelmed with the unknown. Thanks to her incredible resilience she shifted her mindset into a positive one believing in herself and looked for help. She found Centro. 

Misty first started using the Centro Business Planning App and loved how easy it was to create her Business Plan. “I first started with the App, implementing the different phases of my business and giving myself a wealth of knowledge and resources,” said Misty.

Thanks to the Basic Entrepreneurship Program, Misty was able to bring her business idea into reality. One of the things she enjoyed most about the program was the community entrepreneurs created in the classroom. Even being virtual, they created strong relations and grew their businesses together step-by-step. 

“Join the program, jump off the deep end and explore the infinite possibilities that come with learning and entrepreneurship, and with knowing that they are in good hands. You're going to be around a community that believes in accountability, growth and taking your business to the next level.” This is Misty’s advice to entrepreneurs thinking of joining Centro.

Aside from the classes, Misty had one-on-one check-ins to clarify some questions, to get feedback about specific areas of her business plan, and to develop her business. “Having a strong support system is extremely important as an entrepreneur. It’s also important to get feedback and be able to accept that feedback in order for me to sustain and grow my business.”

Misty is very passionate about her business and wants to show representation. Being a formerly incarcerated black woman, she wants to show other black women and young girls with similar backgrounds that they can be successful entrepreneurs too. She has always remained consistent and disciplined, since starting her entrepreneurship journey, even though it has not been easy, she has kept persevering and kept her faith.


Currently, Restore 180 is performing well, focusing on outreach and building relationships with the community. The most rewarding thing for Misty is watching her business grow, watching it grow from serving 1 - 2 youth in her community to now serving 33 and offering resources, mentoring, advocacy and education.

“I tell other black women not to give up, especially women from the same background that I come from. I tell them that we deserve a second chance and that we are not our worst mistake.”

Due to Covid-19, she has had to shift most of her meetings and programs to virtual platforms. When she’s able to meet in-person she makes sure to follow all protocols and procedures with social distancing, face masks, hand sanitizer, and everything else they need to do to gather and be safe.


Misty just incorporated Restore 180 as a 501 c3 Nonprofit Organization, and her next step is to find funding so that she can grow her organization and support even more women by hiring staff and developing partnerships in her community.

Join us in congratulating Misty for her resilience and for creating this amazing nonprofit to support her community. Check out her website.

Looking to start or grow your own small business?

"Ya no tengo miedo al emprendimiento” - Karla Salgado

To read in English, click here

Conoce a Karla Salgado, Co-Fundadora de Elgie’s Hot Diggity Dawgs

​​Karla era una profesional de éxito en ventas en su país, pero siempre tuvo ese sueño de ser emprendedora. Cuando se mudó a Pacífica, California, junto a su marido y sus hijos, se enfrentó a grandes retos empezando por el idioma, diferencias culturales y la dificultad para comprender las normativas y requerimientos para emprender.

Cuando comenzó la pandemia, Karla y su marido Larry decidieron que a pesar de la dificultad del momento y la incertidumbre, querían invertir sus recursos en comenzar su propio negocio con el que siempre habían soñado. “Larry tiene un especial cariño y respeto por la comunidad de Pacífica porque ha sido su hogar durante los últimos 50 años, y por ello decidimos comenzar con nuestro negocio aquí”.

Tras comprar un carro y obtener todos los permisos necesarios para vender sus hot-dogs en un aparcamiento local, nació Elgie’s Hot Diggity Dawgs. Elgie's Hot Diggity es un negocio familiar, en el que trabajan Karla, Larry y sus hijos. Cada uno de ellos se encarga de una parte del negocio. “Hemos nombrado a mi hijo gerente de logística, él se encarga de montar y desmontar el carro. Mi hija, como responsable de marketing, se encarga de todas nuestras redes socialesm Mi esposo es el chef y yo la encargada de organizar todo lo necesario para las comidas, cobrar y gestionar las cuentas”. Implicar a todos en el negocio y darles responsabilidades, ha motivado a toda la familia, porque el éxito del negocio es gracias al esfuerzo de todos ellos.


Como propietaria de un nuevo negocio, Karla se enfrentó a muchos retos cuando se unió al Programa de Emprendimiento Básico. En particular, tuvo que superar su miedo a poder asistir a todas las clases, mientras mantenía su negocio abierto. "Centro entendió mi situación y me animó a solicitar y participar en el Programa Básico de Emprendimiento con su apoyo, pude completar el programa".

Participar en el programa fue una experiencia enriquecedora para Karla, ya que pudo compartir la clase con otros emprendedores, escuchar sus historias y saber que están lidiando con las mismas luchas y miedos al iniciar sus propios negocios. "Nos complementamos, compartimos experiencias e hicimos grandes conexiones aprendiendo de los demás".

Gracias a Centro, Karla aprendió todo lo que necesitaba para reorganizar Elgie's Hot Diggity Dawgs, creando una base sólida y una estrategia más clara para que su negocio fuera más exitoso. "Centro me ayudó tanto que durante el programa empecé a pensar en montar otro negocio, y empezarlo con todos los conocimientos desde el principio". Tras graduarse de su programa en San José en julio de 2021, Karla comenzó a importar productos de su país para venderlos en Estados Unidos, tomando los conocimientos que había adquirido en el programa y comenzó su segundo negocio.

"Ya no tengo miedo a emprender, el miedo ha desaparecido. Si hay una planificación adecuada, estableciendo los recursos que tengo, ya no hay miedo a empezar un negocio, porque ya tienes los conocimientos necesarios."


El consejo de Karla a otros empresarios es que se enfoquen y que sepan que no hay resultados inmediatos. "Tener la paciencia necesaria para establecer relaciones con los clientes, escuchar siempre los comentarios de los clientes, tener buenos estándares de calidad y ser constante es muy importante".

Para Elgie's Hot Diggity Dawgs, establecer conexiones con los clientes siempre ha sido una prioridad y Karla lo hace a diario para atraer la atención y diferenciarse de otros negocios: "Estamos en una esquina y la gente pasa con sus amigos, con sus perros, tomando cafés... y mi marido les dice '¿Sabes qué va bien con eso? Un perrito caliente' y se paran contentos y dicen 'eso es buena idea' y nos compran". También señala que las personas que pasean a sus perros son sus mejores clientes, por lo que tienen un platito para servir un perrito caliente también para el perro. A los clientes les encanta ese detalle, y lo agradecen mucho.

Para aquellos emprendedores que tienen un negocio familiar, o desean comenzar uno nuevo, Karla nos comparte lo importante que ha sido estar unidos y aprender a comunicarse utilizando el lenguaje de negocios. Con su hijo y su hija, están aprendiendo cómo dar pasos para el futuro y darles un buen ejemplo. "Aprendemos de nuestros errores y aprendizajes, y así construimos el negocio juntos".


​​Elgie's Hot Diggity Dawgs sigue en el mismo aparcamiento de Pacifica donde comenzó, pero ahora tiene nuevos objetivos. El año que viene, Karla quiere fidelizar a sus clientes y aumentar su horario y días de venta. De momento su capacidad es limitada porque sólo tienen un coche, así que están trabajando para comprar otro en un futuro próximo.

Con el tiempo, a Karla le gustaría tener una tienda con mucha más variedad para poder seguir creciendo. "Si tuviéramos una tienda podríamos tener más variedad, tamaños y personal. Tendríamos un lugar para que nuestros clientes se sentaran a disfrutar de su perrito caliente. Eso es lo que nos gustaría conseguir en el futuro".

¡Si estás en Pacifica, puedes encontrar fácilmente Elgie's Hot Diggity Dawg en 1925 Palmetto Ave, Pacifica y dar un paseo por la playa! También puedes apoyar el negocio familiar de Karla y Larry siguiéndolos en Facebook and Instagram.

"I am no longer afraid of entrepreneurship" - Karla Salgado

Meet Karla Salgado, Co-Founder of Elgie’s Hot Diggity Dawgs

Karla was a successful sales professional in her country, who always had the dream of being an entrepreneur. When she moved to Pacifica, California with her husband and children, she faced many challenges, starting with the language, cultural differences and a lack of understanding about the regulations and requirements for entrepreneurship.

When the Covid pandemic began, Karla and her husband Larry decided that despite the difficulty and uncertainty of the moment, they wanted to invest their resources in starting the business they had always dreamed of. "Larry has a special love and respect for the community of Pacifica, because it has been his home for the last 50 years, and that is why we decided to start our business here."

After buying a car and obtaining all the necessary permits, to sell their hot dogs in a local parking lot, and thus, Elgie's Hot Diggity Dawgs was born. Elgie’s Hot Diggity Dawgs is truly a family business, with Karla, Larry and their children all working in it. Each of them is in charge of a part of the business. "We have appointed my son as logistics manager, he is in charge of setting up and dismantling the cart. My daughter, as marketing manager, is in charge of all our social media; my husband is the chef and I am in charge of organizing everything needed for the meals, as well as collecting and managing the accounts." Involving everyone in the business and giving them responsibilities, has motivated the whole family, because the success of the business is thanks to the effort of all of them.


As a new business owner Karla faced many challenges when she joined Centro's Basic Entrepreneurship Program. In particular, she had to overcome her fear of being able to attend all classes, while keeping the business open and selling on class days. "Centro understood my situation and encouraged me to apply and participate in the Basic Entrepreneurship Program with their support, I was able to complete the program."

Taking the Program was an enriching experience for Karla as she was able to share the class with other entrepreneurs, listen to their stories, and to know that they are dealing with the same struggles and fears while starting their own businesses. "We complemented each other, shared experiences and made great connections learning from others."

Thanks to Centro, Karla learned everything she needed to reorganize Elgie's Hot Diggity Dawgs, creating a solid foundation and a clearer strategy to make her business more successful. "Centro helped me so much that during the program I started thinking about starting another business, and starting it with all the knowledge from the beginning". After graduating from her San Jose program in July 2021, Karla started importing products from her country to sell in the United States, taking the knowledge she had acquired in the program and she started her second business.

"I am no longer afraid of entrepreneurship, the fear is gone. If there is proper planning, establishing the resources I have, there is no longer fear of starting a business, because you already have the necessary knowledge."


Karla’s advice to other entrepreneurs is to be focused and to know that there are no immediate results. "Having the patience to build relationships with customers, always listening to customer feedback, having good quality standards and being consistent are all very important."

For Elgie's Hot Diggity Dawgs, making connections with customers has always been a priority and Karla does this on a daily basis to attract attention and differentiate themselves from other businesses: "We're on a corner and people are walking by with their friends, with their dogs, having coffees... and my husband tells them ‘You know what goes good with that? A hot-dog’ and they stop happily and say, ‘that's a good idea’ and buy from us". She also points out that people that are walking their dogs are her best customers, so they have a little plate to serve a hot dog for the dog as well. Customers love that detail, and are really appreciative.

For those entrepreneurs who also have a family business, or who want to start a new one, Karla highlights how important it has been to be united and to learn to communicate using business language. With their son and daughter, they are learning how to take steps for the future and set a good example. "We learn from our mistakes and learnings, and that’s how we build the business together."


Elgie's Hot Diggity Dawgs is still in the same parking lot in Pacifica where they started, but now they have new goals. Next year, Karla wants to build customer loyalty, and increase their hours of operation and selling days. At the moment their capacity is limited because they only have one car, so they are working towards purchasing another one in the near future.

Eventually, Karla would like to have a store with much more variety so they can continue to grow. "If we had a store we could have more variety, sizes and staff. We would have a place for our customers to sit down to enjoy their hot dog. That's what we would like to achieve in the future."

If you're in Pacifica, you easily find Elgie's Hot Diggity Dawg ​​at 1925 Palmetto Ave, Pacifica and take a stroll on the beach! You can also support Karla and Larry's family business by following them on Facebook and Instagram.

“Thanks to Centro, I was able to create an organized business structure and complete my goals step by step" – Karla Padilla

Para leer en español, haz click aquí


Karla Padilla, always dreamed about creating a beauty salon that would cater to a diverse community. Karla wanted to provide the perfect service, where clients felt comfortable, could relax, and get beautified. She dreamed about creating a place where her clients walked out feeling confident and empowered by their hairstyle.

She understood that her passion could actually become a business. Her determination and motivation towards a better future for her and her family made her work hard towards making her dream come true. She decided to start her entrepreneurial journey, opening her own business House of Beauty by Karla. From the beginning, she knew it was not going to be an easy journey, but she was determined to make it happen no matter what, and she did!


Karla took the first leap, the Basic Entrepreneurship Program at Centro. A 9-session training program for entrepreneurs which guides them from the stage of creating their idea to developing a business plan to helping them launch their business.

She didn’t stop there. She enrolled in the next course, the Advanced Entrepreneurship Program. A 10-Session program for established entrepreneurs who want to grow their small businesses to reach $100K in annual revenue.

Throughout the program, Karla worked with other entrepreneurs and MBA student advisors to analyze her current business, develop improvement goals and execute action plans to achieve her goals. “Thanks to Centro, I was able to create an organized business structure and complete my goals step by step” said Karla.

Thanks to this program, Karla identified her target market, established a mission and vision, improved her understanding of the operational processes, learned accounting, marketing, and organizing the different areas of her business, from A to Z. She also projected the potential earnings of the salon. “Centro also gave me professional skills like working on my tasks one at a time, which has really helped me in my daily work”.


When asked about the advice she would give to others about Centro’s programs she said: “It’s a great way to start, and will help you to map out all your thoughts, ideas and goals. Don’t give up”. She acknowledges it has not been an easy journey. For

Karla, the most challenging part was finding a way to balance business and her personal life, but she was able to achieve it. “I feel like all the learning I did has helped me to set bigger goals” which provides a better future for her family and community.

“My family has been a great support for me and for my business. They encourage me to keep going. Their comments about me are always good, they are proud of me and the passion I put into my business. My friends and the community highly value the quality of my services and they always come to me for a makeover.”


Covid was a hard moment for Karla’s business, she had to shut down for over 6 months. Karla worked with Centro’s Small Business Advisors as she considered options for her business, receiving support to create her marketing strategy and pursue the California Relief Grant.

She has now opened the doors of the salon but was forced to make big changes to her business: reduce capacity, keep everything spaced out, and develop a new work protocol in order to follow all health guidelines and reopen safely. “It’s been very challenging after pandemic lockdown, but we are slowly getting better.”


 Her advice to other entrepreneurs is: “It’s all about learning and being focused on your goals, a work in progress every day. I’m always excited for what will be next, in business, with clients, and in the future.” She also highlights the importance of active social media, interacting with the community, and networking as part of the recovery of her business after the covid shutdown.

Today, Karla feels empowered with how her business is performing and slowly recovering from the pandemic. She currently has one person working for her and aims to be able to hire more people who share her values. When thinking about the future, she hopes to scale her business and envisions opening another business.


We say goodbye visiting Karla at her business to know more about her daily work and life. She opens up with us and tells us how much her clients and Hispano community mean to her, and how her business is not just a hair salon, but a safe place where her clients feel that they can speak about their issues, and Karla is always there for them.

Join us in congratulating Karla for being brave and following her dreams. Check out her website and make an appointment if you live in San Jose!

Visit House of Beauty by Karla

Need help to start or grow your own small business?

"Gracias a Centro, pude crear una estructura de negocio organizada y cumplir mis objetivos paso a paso" - Karla Padilla

To read in English, click here


Karla Padilla, siempre soñó con crear un salón de belleza que se adaptara a una comunidad diversa. Karla quería brindar el servicio perfecto, donde los clientes se sintieran cómodos, pudieran relajarse y embellecerse.

Soñaba con crear un lugar donde sus clientes salieran sintiéndose confiados y empoderados por su estilismo. Comprendió que su pasión podía convertirse en un negocio.

Su determinación y motivación hacia un mejor futuro para su familia y ella, la hizo trabajar duro para hacer realidad su sueño. Decidió comenzar su viaje de emprendimiento, abriendo su propio negocio House of Beauty by Karla. Desde el principio, supo que no iba a ser un viaje fácil, pero estaba decidida a hacer que sucediera sin importar qué, ¡y lo hizo!


Karla dio el primer paso con el Programa de Emprendimiento Básico de Centro. Un programa de formación de 9 sesiones para emprendedores que los guía desde la etapa de creación de su idea hasta el desarrollo de un plan de negocio que les ayuda a lanzar su negocio.

Pero ella no se detuvo ahí. Se inscribió en el próximo curso, el Programa de Emprendimiento Avanzado. Un programa de 10 sesiones para emprendedores establecidos que desean hacer crecer sus pequeñas empresas para alcanzar $100 mil en ingresos anuales.

A lo largo del programa, Karla trabajó con otros emprendedores y asesores de estudiantes de MBA para analizar su negocio, desarrollar objetivos de mejora y ejecutar planes de acción para lograr sus metas. “Gracias a Centro, pude crear una estructura empresarial organizada y completar mis objetivos paso a paso”, dijo Karla.

Gracias a este programa, Karla identificó su mercado objetivo, estableció su misión y visión, mejoró su comprensión de los procesos operativos, aprendió contabilidad, marketing y organizar las diferentes áreas de su negocio, de la A a la Z. También proyectó las ganancias potenciales del salón. “Centro también me dio habilidades profesionales como trabajar en mis tareas de una en una, lo que realmente me ha ayudado en mi trabajo diario”.


Cuando se le preguntó sobre los consejos que daría a otras personas sobre los programas de Centro, dijo: “Es una excelente manera de comenzar y te ayudará a trazar todos tus pensamientos, ideas y metas. No te rindas ". Reconoce que no ha sido un viaje fácil. Para Karla, la parte más desafiante fue encontrar una manera de equilibrar los negocios y su vida personal, pero pudo lograrlo. “Siento que todo el aprendizaje que hice me ayudó a establecer metas más grandes”, lo que brinda un mejor futuro para su familia y su comunidad.

“Mi familia ha sido un gran apoyo para mí y para mi negocio. Me animan a seguir adelante. Sus comentarios sobre mí siempre son buenos, están orgullosos de mí y de la pasión que pongo en mi negocio. Mis amigos y la comunidad valoran mucho la calidad de mis servicios y siempre vienen a mí para un cambio de imagen ".


Covid fue un momento difícil para el negocio de Karla, y tuvo que cerrar su negocio durante más de 6 meses. Karla trabajó con los asesores de pequeños negocios de Centro mientras consideraba opciones para su negocio, recibiendo apoyo para crear su estrategia de marketing y obtuvo la subvención de California Relief.

Ahora ha abierto las puertas del salón, pero se vio obligada a realizar grandes cambios en su negocio: reducir la capacidad, mantener todo espaciado y desarrollar un nuevo protocolo de trabajo para seguir todas las pautas de sanidad y reabrir de forma segura. "Ha sido un gran desafío después del cierre de la pandemia, pero poco a poco estamos mejorando".


 Su consejo para otros emprendedores es: “Se trata de aprender y concentrarse en sus objetivos, un trabajo en progreso todos los días. Siempre estoy emocionada por lo que vendrá después, en los negocios, con los clientes y en el futuro ". También destaca la importancia de ser activa en las redes sociales, la interacción con la comunidad y la creación de networking como parte de la recuperación de su negocio después del cierre por Covid.

Hoy, Karla se siente empoderada con el desempeño de su negocio y se está recuperando de la pandemia. Actualmente tiene una persona trabajando para ella y su objetivo es poder contratar a más personas que compartan sus valores. Al pensar en el futuro, espera escalar su negocio y prevé abrir otro negocio.


Nos despedimos visitando a Karla en su negocio para conocer más sobre su trabajo y su vida diaria. Ella se abre con nosotros y nos cuenta lo mucho que sus clientes y la comunidad hispana significan para ella, y cómo su negocio no es sólo una peluquería, sino un lugar seguro donde sus clientes sienten que pueden hablar sobre sus problemas, y Karla siempre está allí para ellos.

Únase a nosotros para felicitar a Karla por ser valiente y seguir sus sueños. ¡Visite su sitio web y programe una cita si vive en San José!

Visita House of Beauty by Karla

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